Chapter 7. Phone Calls.

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Friday night was the night we were captured. Saturday was the night it was so cold. Sunday we had spent the whole day up in our room. Monday Mr. Newman had let us wonder around the factory a little. Today, Tuesday, were where going to be able to call our parents. I had to force myself to repeat all this in my head over and over again. If not the days blended together and I lost all track of time. Our parents had until this Friday to give Mr. Newman the money.

Derek, Mark, Jake, Mr. Newman, and Jace and I all sat at a small card table in the middle of the factory. My cell phone sat in the middle of the table, open, and ringing. My heart dropped in my chest as it rung four times. Finally someone picked up. The voice was small and broken.

“Hello,” They answered. I realized it was Andrew.

“Andrew!” I shouted, tears ran down my face. I had never been so happy to hear his voice.

“Izzy,” He asked, shocked. “Dad, come here! It’s Izzy!” He shouted. I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs and my dad’s voice.

“Izzy,” He breathed.

“Hey Dad, I miss you.” I whispered. I didn’t care that Mr. Newman and his cronies were listening I missed my family so much.

“Amy, come quick it’s Izzy!” He shouted away from the phone.

“Izzy, are you alright?” My dad asked.

“Yeah, I’m ok.” I said. Jace squeezed my hand under the table.

“What about Jace, is he ok?” He questioned. Jace looked at the phone shocked. My dad really didn’t like Jace.

“Yeah, we’re both ok.” I reassured him. My mom snatched the phone from my dad.

“Oh, Izzy! I’m so worried! Are you ok, baby? Are they taking care of you? Are—“

“Mrs. James, I assure you your daughter and her boyfriend are being taken care of. We promise not to harm a single hair on their heads. Is our money ready for Friday?” Mr. Newman said, cutting my mother off. I heard her hand the phone back to my dad and fill him in on what Mr. Newman had just said.

“We’re working on getting your money,” My dad insisted. His voice sounded scared and hopeless.

“I hope so,” Mr. Newman said. He looked so heartless across the table.

“What will you do if we can’t get you the money?” My dad asked. I knew he was worried.

“Maybe I’ll let my assistant here keep here. He seems rather taken with her.” I almost fell off my chair when he said that.

“Over my dead body,” Jace shouted, he pushed his chair back, causing it to flip. His face was inches from Mr. Newman’s.

He,” Jace spat, “Will never touch her. Ever.

Mr. Newman leaned back in his chair, calmly. He seemed totally unaffected by Jace’s outburst.

“Goodbye, Mr. James.” He said, ending the call. Once the call was ended his calm façade disappeared. He shoved Jace back, causing him it fall to the ground.

“You don’t tell me what to do! I tell you what to do! I can do whatever I want! If her parents don’t pay I OWN her!—“ Mr. Newman didn’t get a chance to finish before Jace jumped up.

“Jace, don’t!” I screamed. I’d seen him fight someone only once before and it had scared me to death. Jace did have an explosive temper sometimes.

I blocked the space between him and Mr. Newman. Mr. Newman grinned behind me. I don't think he realized that Jace would probably beat the crap out of him.

“Calm down, Jace, please.” I begged. I didn’t want to see him get shot. I didn't want to be alone with any of these men.

Jace closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He picked up his chair and sat back down at the table. Mr. Newman dialed his house phone number, acting as if nothing had happened. After seven rings the answering machine answered.

“You’ve reached the Dawson’s. We’re not home to take your call right now. Please leave your name and number and we will get back to you as soon as we can.” The phone beeped.

“Your son is kidnapped and you still leave the house? You’re colder than I thought, Dawson. How is my money coming? Remember I have to have it by Friday. I was going to let Jace talk to you, but what’s the point? You obviously don’t care enough to stay by the phone. Well goodbye Dawson.” Mr. Newman closed the phone. He handed it to Mark.

“Keep this with you in case they call back. Take them upstairs. Tie them up, they’ve lost their freedom.” Mr. Newman ordered.

Mark pushed us up the stairs. Derek and Jake followed with rope. Mark pushed Jace onto the ground. There were some pipes in the room and that’s what he tied Jace too. Jake and Derek tied me up to another pole across the room. They did it just to torture us. Either that or freeze us to death if it stormed again. I hated them all so much. Once they left the room I began the normal conversation.

“Jace,” I whispered. He looked up at me, but said nothing. He looked at me so sadly, tears welled in my eyes.

“This is all my fault,” He breathed. I tried to argue, but he kept talking, lost in his thoughts. “It’s all my fault you’re here. I got you mixed up in this.”

“It is not your fault Jace. You didn’t fire Mr. Newman, you didn’t tick him off, you didn’t get us kidnapped on purpose.” I argued.

Jace looked at his feet. I could tell he was deep in thought.

“Jace, please don’t tear yourself up.” I begged. Jace didn’t answer. Downstairs I heard my ringtone buzzing.

“Hello,” Mr. Newman said. He paused while someone talked.

“You better have my money by Friday, or else your son is going to die.” Another pause.

“Oh please, you have more money than anyone in town. If you think you have it bad go talk to the James’.” Pause.

“The James’,” Pause.

“Your son’s girlfriend,” Jace sighed in the corner. Jace and I had been dating for three months. His mother could barely remember my name. His father forgot I even existed. I don't think they ment it, it was just, well I really didn't know why they didn't know me.

“Yes, Dawson, believe it or not some people don’t have the money they need. They won’t be seeing their daughter again. You know who they have to blame? You, it’s your fault all this happened Dawson. All your fault.” Mr. Newman sounded demonic as yelled at Mr. Dawson. I heard the phone slam shut.

True that Mr. Dawson held some responsiblity for the way Mr. Newman felt, but he wasn't responsible if I died. Mr. Newman would be the one who killed me. It would be his fault. He can say they deserved this as much as they want, but it would always be his fault, and he knew it.

“What are we going to do if we don’t get the money?” Mark asked Mr. Newman.

“Exactly what I told their parents.” Mr. Newman hissed. I shivered and this time not because I was cold. I would rather die then spend any amount of time with Mark.

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