Chapter 3. Time to Call Daddy.

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After 3 books I finally found an actor who's green eyes freak me out. No lie. No offense to Jasper Hale... but Jackson you freak me out. So Mark... >>>>>>

“You, what’s your name.” Mark screamed at me. His eyes scared the living crap out of me. They were bright electric green. Eyes that looked like they could read your soul while burning it at the same time.

“Isabella James,” I muttered.

“Got a nickname?” He demanded.

“Izzy,” I said, giving him a questioning look. I didn't see how that mattered much.

“Phone number,” He asked. He took out a cell phone, my cell phone, out of his pocket. He fumbled with it trying to figure out how to call someone. He didn't look more than twenty five years old, how could he struggle to understand a cell phone?

“555-0990,” I answered.

“How in the world do you work this dang thing!” he shouted.

I reached for the phone. “Let me do it,” I ordered, annoyed.

He threw the phone at me. Mr. Newman looked up at the window to see what was taking his men so long. He saw the phone in my hand.

“Idiots,” He screamed. Within seconds he came flying into the room. He snatched the phone from my hand and shoved me onto the ground.

“We were callin’ their folks!” Mark argued.

“No, I told you to get her phone number not to call her parents! That is my job. I run the show Mark!” He screamed at Mark. He looked down at the phone. He glared at me. I had only managed to dial 9 and 1 before he got the phone.

“You see this?” He held the phone to Mark. “She was going to call the cops. We don’t want cops involved idiots!”

“Well then you have a problem.” I murmured. Jace shook his head at me, but it was too late. I had said it. I didn't see why it was a bad thing they knew. They deserve to know their plan is going to fail miserably.

“What do you mean?” Mr. Newman demanded.

“My dad is the chief of police.” I told him.

Mr. Newman’s face grew red. He ran his fingers through his hair. “You are freaking idiots!” He shouted. “I told you to kidnap him, just him! But no, you idiots had to have the brilliant idea that we could get some money out of her. Well guess what? We aren’t going to get anything! His father would have kept this all under wraps. He would have given us the money and moved on. Now we are going have the whole police force after us!”

“Downstairs, now.” He mumbled. He ran his hand through his hair again. “You, stay.” He added, with a smirk, he pointed at Jace. He grabbed my arm and hoisted me up.

“What are you doing?” Jace demanded. He jumped up, his fists balled.

“We’re going to call Daddy,” He snickered. He pulled me out of the room and locked the door behind him.

Downstairs he shoved me into a chair opposite the desk in the office. “Now, you will say this and only this.” He ordered. “’I’m ok, Dad. I’m with Jace. I’m safe. There is someone here who wants to talk to you.’ After you say that you hand me the phone. If you say anything else, I’m going to get very angry. Understand?”

“I understand,” I whispered. He scrolled through my phone until he found my home phone number. He hit send and handed me the phone.

The phone rang once, twice, three times until my dad picked up. “Izzy, where are you?” He demanded.

I took a deep breath and said exactly what I was told to say, sort of. I'm not very good at following orders, never was, never will be. “I’m ok, Dad. I’m with Jace. We’ve been—“

Mr. Newman shoved me out of the chair and onto the floor. “That’s not what I told you to say!” He shouted. He grabbed the phone. “Listen here, Chief. I have your daughter and her boyfriend. We want five hundred thousand dollars by the end of the week, for her safe return. If you don’t get it to us you can say goodbye to little Izzy.” He hung up the phone. He drug me back upstairs without a word. He threw me in the room. I crawled over to Jace and wrapped my arms around him. Mr. Newman stared at us for a second and walked away. He locked the door and left us in silence. Downstairs we could hear him talking to Jace’s father.

“Who is he?” I demanded. I looked up at Jace.

“He used to work for my dad.” Jace whispered.

“Why did he kidnap us?” I shrieked.

“My dad fired him and he got really ticked. He swore revenge. I never thought he would do anything.” Jace said.

I buried my head in his chest. “Jace, what is going to happen?” I couldn’t stop my mind from coming up with horrible images of us dead.

“They’ll get their money and let us go.” Jace said, determined. I knew he was just saying it to calm me down.

“I hope you’re right,” I mumbled. He leaned back against the wall. I set my head on his chest and drifted off to sleep.

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