Chapter 6. The Cold Night.

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**Man I wrote these short... I'm trying to make them longer... to no success! I'm sorry :( Anyway thanks for reading or rereading! You're comments and votes are appreciated!

Mr. Newman in all his leonardo yumminess >>>

The rest of that day, I think it was Saturday, was spent up in our little room. We didn’t talk much. Mostly I just sat in Jace’s lap. That night it started to rain. Not a nice little drizzle, but a complete down pour. The wind howled outside and blew icily through the room. I shuddered. Jace was lying next to me on a sheet of cardboard. He lay on his back with his hands behind his head. He had been smarter and wore jeans to the party. Me, on the other hand, had been stupid and wore the shortest pair of shorts I had. My skin was covered in goose bumps.

“Jace, are you awake?” I chattered.

“Yes,” He answered.                                            

“I’m cold,” I moaned. Another gust of wind blew through and I shook.

“Come here,” Jace said smiling. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his warm arms around me. It didn’t help at all.

“Better,” He asked. He ran his hands up and down my back trying to warm me up.

“No,” I whispered. My whole body was chilled to the core. Jace smirked and rolled over on top of me. Some magically way he kept his weight off of me.

“Better,” His breath was hot on my ear. I shuddered and he laughed.

“Oh shut up,” I hissed. “I’m just cold.”

“Yeah, ok sure.” He laughed.

Suddenly the door burst open. Derek and Mark stood in the doorway. Derek was carrying an oversized sleeping bag. Mark held a flashlight. He shined it on Jace and I.

“Well we were going to give you this since its so cold, but it looks like you’re fine.” Mark sneered. I ignored him and dove for the sleeping bag. I threw it on the ground and climbed inside it.

“You have to share, but I’m sure you don’t care about that.” He laughed again.

“Shut up,” I hissed at him. I knew instantly I shouldn’t have done that. Mark wasn’t really a man to be messed with. Jace grabbed me in one swift motion and pulled me behind him. I peeked over his shoulder like a little girl and watched Mark's creepy eyes burn with anger.

“You better make sure your little girlfriend watches her mouth. She better start respecting us.” Mark snapped angerly. Jace stood up and glared down at Mark. He was three inches taller than him.

“Or what,” He demanded. Jace was scary when he was angry. I watched as Mark shrunk back a little.

“Or I’ll make her respect me.” Mark answered. I watched Jace’s back tense. I could tell he wanted to hit Mark so badly. I was happy Jace was good at controlling his emotions.

“You touch her, and I will kill you. Do you understand?” Jace’s voice was deep and demonic. Mark only rolled his eyes. He shoved Derek out of the room throwing an angry glare at Jace and I.

“You’re going to get yourself killed,” I whispered, smiling. I scooted over in the sleeping bag to make room for Jace.

“You’re worth it,” He answered.

I laughed. “You’re so cheesy you know that?” Jace climbed in the sleeping bag. His legs warmed mine. He wrapped his arms around me.

“That’s why you love me, either that or my rocking body.” He teased.

“You’re an idiot,” I smiled, laughing.

“Thanks a lot,” He muttered, pretending to be hurt.

“I’m sorry,” I pouted. I kissed him slowly.

“Am I forgiven?” I asked.

“Yeah, you’re forgiven,” he laughed. I shuddered again as heat began to flood my frozen body.

"You sure you're ok?" Jace asked.

"Yeah," I whispered, scooting closer.

"I wish I could hit him," Jace muttered.

"I wish you could too," I said. Jace laughed a little and kissed my head.

"I don't like the way he looks at you," Jace practically growled. I shuddered again, but not because I was cold.

"I'll keep you safe, I promise," Jace swore. I nodded and drifted off to sleep in his warm embrace.

Kidnapped: Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें