6. First signs

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The morning light made Newt shiver. He felt cold from lying on the floor naked, but he felt her warm body pressed against his chest and smiled to himself.

"It's morning," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

"We have a few more hours," she turned around, nuzzling her nose under his arm.

He couldn't believe this beautiful sweet girl that was sleeping peacefully in his arms was the same one he saw in battle just yesterday.

The one that even Minho wouldn't dare argue with.

"We need to get ready," he smiled, biting her ear a little.

"Ten more minutes," she moaned like a little kitten and he gave in.

He cuddled with her again, hoping that they wouldn't be late to meet their friends at the mountains.

"Do you want to shower with me?" she asked when they finally managed to stand up from the floor. It had taken a lot of effort as they kept kissing and nearly did it again.

"Who would say no to that?" he grabbed her hand and they ran to the bathroom, giggling.

The water battle resumed from the previous day but this time, they couldn't hold their hands and lips away from each other.

An hour later, the fun ended and Salsa sighed while putting her long dark hair into a ponytail again. She checked the weapons around her belt as well as the extra gun and knife in her boots. She was worried when she saw the machine landing where the boys had camped through the night. Trouble was in the air.

"Here, you can't go out there without breakfast," Newt came to her, giving her a snack and an apple, then kissed the top of her head.

"We'll reach them in around forty minutes," Salsa took the screen. "They're nearly there."

"Don't worry," he looked at her.

"I can't afford to lose you. I won't survive it," she hugged him tightly.

"You won't, I promise," he felt the uncertain fear that hung in the air.

He wasn't even sure if he was sick, or immune, or if the cure will ever be created.

"Okay, let's get ourselves together," she kissed him quickly.

Then, she ate her breakfast. They filled all the bottles they had with fresh water and walked to the car.

"I'll never forget this place," Newt turned around, a smile shining on his face.

"I'm sure you won't," Salsa blushed, remembering last night.

She loved every inch of his body, even his slightly deformed hip that probably caused the limp.

"I won't ever forget it either," she smiled to him and got into the car.

He followed.

She started the engine the same way she did before and they drove back into the desert, heading straight for the mountains.


Forty minutes later, they reached a group of very frustrated boys and an even more frustrated Jorge, as well as a pretty girl that was probably Brenda.

"What happened?" Salsa jumped out of the car.

"They took him, shuck!" Minho was mad.

"Who took who?" Newt looked around.

"That stupid Teresa and her girl gang, they took Thomas and they're gonna kill him," Minho sighed.

"Calm down and tell me what happened," Salsa looked at him.

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