19. Votes for Newt

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But then the WICKED berg jumped out of the clouds surrounded by white light that was exploding around it and kept falling.

"Do you see the blue button on the gun?" Salsa asked Thomas.

"Yes," he scanned the gun.

"Press it, now," she said.

The berg was about to crash into the ground when Thomas pressed the button and the ship stopped.

Salsa turned to it, putting the rest out of the car. The wave chased them but she reached the berg. The ramp was open and three men in green suits were moving out, as if they were drunk.

Salsa stopped at the ramp and saw the guns of the men pointed at them.

"Out of the way," she said, grabbing another gun.

One of the men shot but she fell on the ground, avoiding the bullet. A second later he fell, shot by Thomas with the light of the gun that had hit the ship. Jorge hit the second man with a shot and Salsa tossed a knife into the third one.

"On the ramp!" yelled Thomas.

Brenda, Minho and Jorge ran out of the car and jumped onto the ramp.

"My battery!" Salsa turned to the car.

"We don't have time!" Thomas grabbed her arm.

They saw the ground breaking in front of them and he forced her to jump on the ramp, just as the car crashed down into the abyss.

The light around the ship faded and they ran inside.

"The system," muttered Jorge.

"Just get us out of here, I'll take care of the system," ordered Salsa, diving into the main computer.

Jorge moved the berg and they heard the thunder of the next wave that destroyed another mountain in front of them. Salsa looked through the window and saw the valley and the city were now gone. There was this huge burning abyss filled with broken parts of everything. And then when the flying machine moved back to the clouds, the earthquake suddenly stopped.

A second later a voice filled the cabin.

"What is this?!" It was Janson.

"I told you we'll get one of your bergs," said Salsa, then she kicked him out of the system.

"The system's clear, they have no idea where we are," Salsa closed the computer ten minutes later.

"I hate them so much, I can't believe I worked for them," Jorge shook his head and looked at her. "We'll reach San Francisco in twenty minutes."

"We need to visit a place around Denver first," Salsa sighed.

"Why?" Jorge looked at her.

"I must know how they're treating him," she looked at Jorge.

"I think we must all decide about it. I'll land here, it seems safe," Jorge started to put the ship to the ground.

Salsa moved into the bigger part of the ship when they landed.

"What's the plan?" asked Minho.

"They won't let us fly straight to the white tower, so I guess we must be ready for an emergency landing. But first, as long as we have the berg, I want to go the Denver Crank Place and see if Newt is still alive," she looked at them.

"And I think we need to vote," said Jorge.

"How long will it take?" asked Minho.

"Around one day," Salsa was hoping they'd decide to help her.

"I'm against it," Brenda looked at her and she seemed to be satisfied with revenge.

"Me too, we can't lose any time. We don't know what's waiting for us there, yet we want to put ourselves in another danger?" Minho looked like he had enough.

"I vote for going to Denver," said Thomas.

"Of course, help your new girlfriend to see her doomed boyfriend," Brenda rolled her eyes.

Thomas sighed quietly.

All of them looked at Jorge.

"Okay, I think you should see if this people keep their word, and we can get some rest for a day," said Jorge.

Salsa smiled. Brenda got up and moved somewhere where she could be alone.

"I don't like it. You'll only suffer more after seeing him," Minho followed Brenda.

"Thank you," Salsa looked at Thomas and Jorge.

"I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for a few hours of sleep," Jorge returned to the cockpit.

"Wow, that's a very friendly team," Thomas shook his head.

"I just, I can't focus knowing in how much danger he's in," Salsa sat next to Thomas on the couch.

"Because the danger we're in is just so little," Thomas smiled.

Hours passed and Jorge kept the machine in the air. Salsa took a shower. The first one since three days and it felt too good. She told Jorge to land in a small town, that was completely empty and she left the ship for half an hour. She broke into a shop and found clothes she could wear while going into the Crank Place. She tore them a little and covered them in the street dust and returned to the ship.

"We'll land in two hours," said Jorge and returned to the cockpit.

Brenda and Minho were nowhere to be seen so Salsa sat next to Thomas on the couch. He slept a little and looked less tired. He took a shower and his dark hair was still wet.

"So how did you meet WICKED? They seem to know you well," asked Thomas looking at her.

"My mum worked for them. She made Grievers and other monsters for them. Designed camera bugs and the flat trans. She was the one that came up with the idea that the Maze could change its pattern. But when she saw how they used her inventions, she decided to quit. So they killed her. And my father was a soldier. He died on a mission, killed by a WICKED employee. Yes, I know them well. And they know me. Chancellor Paige was the one who went to the government and offered them to hire me to protect the president. Little people back then knew that he was dangerous for himself," Salsa took a breath.

"He was sick?" Thomas shook his head.

"Yes. He crossed the border when the cranks overtook the capitol and we were running away in his presidential helicopter. He started to murder everyone inside, including his wife and children, and he damaged the machine. I shot him in the legs and found a parachute under the pilot's chair. I jumped out and the helicopter crashed down to the ground and exploded. This was my chance to escape from WICKED and everyone. I stole their berg and removed it from their systems. I travelled to the Scorch, it was my best idea... No one would look for me there. And then you came, and I... I saw Newt and I couldn't just let him be hurt," Salsa felt the heaviness of her words.

Thomas was silent. He laid his hand on her shoulder. Once again, they understood each other without words.

Two hours later, they landed on a deserted piece of land two miles away from the Crank Place.

Thank you for all the support. I hope you're all doing well. What do you think about the group arguing? What do you think will await Salsa in the Crank Place?

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I dedicate this chapter to @Cascaintheglade

Love :)

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