Hope for the broken

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The song for this chapter is-

Cry by Jason Walker <3>


Beep. Beep. Beep.

There was no silence, just that slow steady beeping sound. Felt things return to normal, my heart beating, my breathing coming out slow and soothing, warmth coming back to my cold body. I was back where I had to be. Where I was meant to be.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I cracked my eyes open to look at my surroundings. I was in a white room, in a bed, with tubes and machines hooked onto my arms and chest.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Look around, curious and annoyed by that beeping sound. My eyes landed on the heart monitor. On the screen it showed a flat line, but then bumps filled the screen. My heart was beating. I wasn't gone. I wasn't dead, anymore.

The sound of the beeping was drowned out when I focused my hearing onto the breathing I heard next to my bed. In the chair, sleeping, holding my hand, his head bowed laying on my bed, was Alex. Sparks ran through me, my hand regaining feeling, and clutching his back in return. A smile crept onto my face. a genuine one, not my professional fake ones. I looked at him, really looked at him. His brown chestnut hair, scuffed and shaggy. A little stubble showing along his jaw. He looked peaceful.

I pushed aside the hair on his forehead. Uh-ho. His eyes fluttered open, locking onto mine. He just looked at me, blank and broken. My heart wrenched, that look was because of me. Something inside of me wailed and begged me to comfort him, to tell him we're here. That I'm alive and with him. I brushed my fingers along his jaw and he blinked for about several times. Air whooshed out of him as his eyes widened and he slowly raised his head. He got to his feet, his left hand clutching my hand, his right caressing my cheek, tears of disbelief brimmed his eyes like he didn't believe this was real.

I smiled and leaned into his touch. He laughed and hugged me to him, sobbing into my shoulder. "I thought I'd lost you!" He cried. Tears ran down my face as I clutched him to me. I looked at the nightstand next to my bed. There lay a pen and notepad. I could write him. I gently pushed him off me, reaching over to get the paper and pen. I winced. I looked down at my hands. I was still hurt. I could feel the dull pain in my back. He looked at me and I pointed at the paper and pen. He nodded in understanding and handed them to me.

You could never lose me.

I turned the notepad to him, and watched as his eyes skimmed the page and a smile graced upon his lips. "I never want to." I smiled and nodded. I opened my mouth, I wanted to speak, but all of a sudden the door to this room burst open. Revealing a woman with short black hair in a white coat and black jeans. She gasped as she ran over to us, taking hold of my face and turning it this way and that. She looked at my monitors, checking something, confusion and disbelief written all over her face. She looked at me, "You are very lucky. You just... came back from the dead." My smile faded as I remembered how I came back from the dead. 

"We needed a miracle, and we got one. I don't know how you came back, but you did, and for that I can sleep peacefully tonight." She laughed. A smirk tugged at my lips. I grabbed the pen and began to write furiously, "How long was I gone?" I looked towards her, "A day."

My eyes widened. A day? I looked towards Alex and he nodded his head sadly. I sighed then suddenly fear filled me as I remembered why I was gone. Why I died. And How. Where is my father? I wrote down with shaky hands. Alex read what my shaky hands scrambled out. A growl erupted from his chest as his eyes flashed golden. "He ran like the coward he is. I wanted to go after him, and... kill him, hurt him, but you were going. You were dying, and I didn't want to leave you." He choked. I squeezed his shoulder.

He leaned into my touch, a sigh running through his body. The doctor, walked around the room, going through the cabinets. She came back to my bed, handing me a bottle of pills, "If you take these every night this'll help you sleep, and help you heal faster. Your wounds were severe, but in time you'll be okay." She smiled at me. Sympathy shining in her eyes.

That sympathy haunted me as Alex helped me walk up the stairs of a large home, his I presume, and into his room. he cleared his throat, "Um, all our spare rooms are taken up, and I would like to keep an eye on you, "he smiled, "But you can sleep on the bed." He walked towards the be, taking off a pillow and a blanket. He laid them out on the floor next to the bed. Hesitantly, I went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, and instantly regretted it.

While I was always pale and paper whit, I looked like death. My hair was dissolved and everywhere. My eyes were bright, my torn lips still not healed. I had a scab coming over the slash on my cheekbone. I brought my fingers to the hem of my shirt, someone put clothes on me. I remember only having shorts on and my sports bra. Shrugging it off, I lifted the shirt up and turned my back to the mirror. The cuts, in jagged sharp lines, were healing slowly, but it was better than nothing. I could tell I would have scars forever now.

Something soft and tentative touched one of my cuts on my back. I jumped and turned around. I sighed in relief as I found it to be Alex. He smiled a small smile. I pulled my shirt down, as it was now showing off my stomach and back. Alex's dark eyes met mine. He shook his head, as if shaking off a thought and battling with himself. I smiled, popping one pill into my mouth and swallowing it down. I walked past him and climbed onto the bed, careful of my back, I laid down on the comforter, facing the wall and curling myself up into a ball.

I heard footsteps approach and then I could tell Alex was laying down. I rolled over, the bed smelling just like him, cinnamon and apples. I smiled as I looked over the bed at him. One arm behind his head the other on his stomach. I swallowed. He was only in his boxers. I snapped my eyes up to look at his face. His eyes were still closed. I opened my mouth to whisper his name, but nothing would come out. So instead I threw a pillow at him. He grunted and looked accusingly up at me, a smile trying to twist onto his face as he pretended to be serious and mad. I smiled innocently and patted the bed. I didn't want him to sleep on the floor in his own bedroom. As I wasn't frightened by him, and didn't get a bad vibe, so I trusted him.

He gave me a look and I nodded my head scooting over and ducking my head as he threw the pillow back at me. I smiled and closed my eyes while I stuck out my tounge.  All of a sudden I felt hot warm breathe on my cheeks. My eyes shot open to meet the warm hazel gaze of Alex. I sat cross legged and Alex was leaning towards me on hi knees and his fists. My eyes looking into his warm and intense stare, I bit my lip thinking he was kinda disgusted by my scared and torn body.

His eyes trailed down to my lips. My lower lip stuck between my teeth. His eyes darkened as he leaned forward, only a breathe of space between us, his eyes made their way to mine. His eyes almost pleading, as if asking to kiss me. I didn't answer, instead I leaned forward, bringing our lips together. At first he seemed a little shocked that I'd finished the move, but he quickly recovered. Our lips moved in the most beautiful and perfect sync. I brought my hands up to his head, running my fingers through his hair. What was I doing? I never kissed a guy before! And yet I didn't have a care in the world. His fingers slowly caressing my back, trailing down my cuts.

Slowly I pulled back. Blissfully I took in a breathe and opened my eyes to meet the now golden ones of Alex. He stared at me in wonder and curiosity. Hope bloomed inside of me as I looked at the smile forming on his lips. I met him with one of my own, but dropped it as soon as I felt a little pain from the tears in my lips. He brought his thumb up to my lips tracing the lines of my torn smile. He looked into my eyes, "You'll be okay. It'll go away in time." I nodded my head. In time I would heal, and with him maybe a little more faster.

 I flopped down on the bed. My eyes drooped as I felt Alex settle down next to me, his arm wrapping around my waist, pulling me to him and against his body, as he played with my hair. I fell into a blissful sleep. No nightmares, no death. Just Alex. His scent, his warmth, his eyes, his kiss.

It was the best sleep I've had in years. No night terrors. Just my Alex.

I think I love him.

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