A guys butterflies (Alex)

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Do you desire to be wholly one; always day and night in one another's company? For if this is what you desire, I am ready to melt and fuse you together, so that being two you shall become one, and while you live a common life as if you were a single man, and after your death in the world below still be one departed soul, instead of two...

-Plato, Symposium

My breathe moved her hair from her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed, her face pale, her breathing slow and comforting. I couldn't bring myself to move from her, but I knew I had to. I had to get her surprise ready. Her birthday was coming up soon, in a few days in fact, and I wanted to get our ball rolling. I wanted her to know how I felt. Slowly I got up out of bed, unwrapping her arm from around my waist. I watched as she snuggled into the warmth of the bed, still sleeping. A smile tugged at my lips.

I could tell, once I got out of the room I had a busy day ahead of me. As Alpha in line, I had to start taking care of pack business. Heading into my dad's old office, I went straight to the desk, sitting down in the leather chair, paper work was piled up on the desk, not too much though. Thank god.

Members of our pack were asking about throwing a barbeque , in order to celebrate the welcoming of a new Alpha and Luna. I smiled, we could do that on Alice's birthday. It would be nice. Ok, with that being approved I moved onto seeing about the lower ranked pack members wanting to travel somewhere to go visit they're newly mated niece. As time slowly passed on I looked to the clock it was almost noon. Hopefully Jessie would have taken Alice by now to go do some shopping. I know I was going to regret this later, but Jessie was so excited and Alice did need more clothes. She was so going to hurt me.

All of a sudden I heard Jessie yelling and some grunting. I looked out my office windows to see the funniest thing ever. Jessie, outside, was trying to pull my mate along out side. I heard the muffled voice of Jessie. "We have to go shopping!" My mate stopped dead in her tracks, her arms slamming onto the frame in a loud thundering crack. My eyebrows shot up in surprise. She had strength. So far we had not found the trigger for her wolf, but I wasn't giving up yet.

Alice fell to the floor as Jessie let go of her hands, forcing all of Alice's strength and weight to force her to fall backwards from pulling away from Jessie. Jess picked up one of her legs and dragged her outside, while she clawed for and escape. I laughed. I was so in for an ass-kicking. One of my pack members went up to the door to lock it, just to make sure Alice didn't run back in. As soon as I heard the car take off, I sat back down. There was just one more file on my desk.

I opened it up, only to find out that the rouge problem we had back in our old home, was coming. There were unknown wolf scents coming towards us. Luckily for us this time, the number of rouges wasn't too big. A big enough number we could handle and easily take down. Putting it to the side, it was almost one in the afternoon.

I bounced up from my seat and ran up the stairs, rushing to throw on some clothes. I pulled a shirt over my head, running halfway down the stairs, but stopping and slide down the banister the rest of the way. I jumped up when I came to the end. it was either jump or get a big bruise on your ass. I laughed  and ran to the kitchen. The only things I knew how to cook we going to have to be the things we would eat. Mixing the cheeses and getting the noodles to cook, I spread the sauce out, slide the lasagna into the oven and waited for my master piece to cook.

I took off out side, looking back and forth and slipped my clothes off from me, and shifted into my wolf. He took me running, he relished in the feeling of the wind rushing through his fur, the new and wonderful scents of the forest meeting his nose. Our feet pounded on the forest floor as we took off, the fastest we could run. I burned off steam I knew I should have burned off a long time ago. But I didn't like shifting in front of Alice, it made her sad, and made her look hopeless. As if her dreams were lost and broken.  My wolf growled, we would find a way to help her shift. Even if she couldn't shift, she was still perfect to us. And always would be.

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