A new Beggining

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends Diana. Thank you for always being there for me and being my friend. Your one in a million and I hope you have a great summer! Keep in touch with me you llama!!!!!!!! I'll miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I need a bathroom.

More like a toilet.

I ran into the room closest to me, not paying attention, I headed straight towards the bathroom. I ran into it falling onto my knees, my entire breakfast emptying into the white bowl. My throat burned, not happy about my upset stomach.

After I was sure I was done I wiped my mouth slumping against a cabinet on the floor. The cold marble floor felt good against my hot, sweaty skin. My breathing was irregular. I felt a tug on my stomach again, reaching for the trash this time, but nothing came out, just a dry heave. Was it something I ate? I had a nagging feeling, an instinct, that it was something much more. I sighed, still confused at what was happening. A soft knock sounded on the door just before opening to revile a worried looking Alex and Sabrina.

I gave a weak smile. Alex came to my side, gently taking away the trash and replacing it with his hands. His cool hands enclosed upon my clammy ones. He pushed my hair out of my face and behind my back. "Hey you okay?" He asked in a gentle tone. I nodded my head. "Just a little bug probably." I croaked. But I had a totally different idea as to what was happening. I smiled a little bit brighter, noticing the doubt in his eyes.

I cleared my throat, looking towards Sabrina. "Can I talk to you alone for a few minutes?" I asked hesitantly. She winked at me, "Want me to get Jessie for some girl talk?" she asked a hint of excitement in her voice. I smiled and rolled my eyes, nodding my head. Alex looked suspicious as he knew I wasn't a girl talker.

Alex helped me up, steadying me when I swayed a little. I laughed as Sabrina chased Alex out telling him to bring Jessie. When she shut the door, and I was sure Alex was gone, I turned around facing her chewing on my nails as I asked half the question that kept echoing in my head. "Am I..."

Jessie came through the door, curiosity written over her face. "What's going on?" I looked down to the ground, unsure of myself and if I was wrong, I didn't want to be embarrassed. Sabrina gave a nervous laugh. I felt another tug on my stomach, I wanted to go back to the trash but I knew there was nothing coming up. My hands lifted up my shirt. My pale stomach looked back at me as my hands tenderly ran over the smooth skin in wonder.

I looked up to meet two pairs of eyes. Jessie, her mouth wide open and a smile twitching onto her lips. Sabrina had a few of those pregnancy tests in her hands. Seeing those made this real. "Am I pregnant?"

Sabrina came to my side, her hand resting gently on my shoulder, "That's what we're trying to figure out okay sweet heart?" I nodded my head, my body numb. I was lead into the bathroom once again. Sabrina got the tests out and left me alone in the bathroom with the four pregnancy tests.


Time crawled by slowly as Me and the girls talked about anything. Mostly it was Sabrina and Jess talking. My mind was filled with thoughts and questions. Was I pregnant? Would Alex hate me? Was it a girl? Or a boy? But what crushed me most... Was it a false alarm? I didn't realize how much I actually wanted this baby. Even though it could just be a bug or something, I would be crushed to have built my hopes up, just to have them all shmooshed.

Sabrina looked at her watch, set her hot chocolate down and walked into the bathroom. I watched her then shut my eyes tightly, hoping for the best. "Alice." I cracked my eyes open to see her  head in the doorway. "Take a look." She whispered.

Me and Jess walked into the bathroom. In the sink lay for tests.

One was negative.

Three were positive.

"From a doctors point of view, and judging by the way you were this morning and the majority count of things.... Alice, your going to be a mother." She brought me into a tight embrace. She let me go, only for me to be tackled into another bone crushing hug by Jessie. She cried happily, and I returned her hug full force. Me and her crying in each others arm. Her brother was having a baby. And I was the mother.

I looked back at the pregnancy tests. I smiled, things are finally turning around for me. I felt happy and at peace. All I had to do now... I swallowed.

I had to tell Alex

I shivered at the thought of telling him and him rejecting me. And the baby. I shook my head, he can reject me, but he will accept the baby. Determination came upon me holding me fast as I had my mind set. "Can you guys bring Alex in here and leave us for a bit?" I asked in a whispered voice. My voice choked with determination and fear.

I heard the fading footsteps of the two. I turned and looked towards the tests, "Please, please, please accept it..." I said over and over again repeating my mantra, rocking myself back and forth, my hands clutching the sink.

"Accept what?" A deep smooth voice said, abruptly pulling me out of my trance. I spun around, facing Alex, his hair in every other direction, as if he ran his hands through it many times over and over. He had put on jeans and a navy blur T-shirt. His hazel eyes gleamed as he took in my shocked expression. I had my back to the sink, trying to hide what lay behind me.

Finally I gave up when he came towards me. I brushed past him and plopped down onto the toilet. He crouched down in front of me, his eyes searching mine. "What's wrong?" he asked gently, his hand caressing the side of my jaw. A tear slid down my cheek. Not one of sadness or of pain, but one from happiness, pure joy. I laughed and swiped at the tear, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing..." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the sink.

It took him awhile but eventually he looked down. He looked confused for a second, then understanding came over him, his muscles tensed  as shock took over him. He kept looking back and forth between me and the tests. All the while tears spilled down my cheeks, "Are you- I mean- Is this-" He took a breathe, his eyes shut tightly.

The whole time I was nodding my head. Through the big bathroom I heard his deep soothing breaths. I grabbed his hand, at my touch he opened his eyes. I looked into his eyes, holding them as I put his hand on my stomach. "Alex, I'm pregnant.''

He laughed instantly, tears forming in his eyes as he picked my up and twirled me around. Joy written over his features, he set me down, his eyes flashing golden the back to hazel and back to golden again. My wolf herself was howling and yipping in joy. She frolicked in my mind, basking his her mates happiness.

"I love you" He said, kissing my forehead, then bending over to kiss my stomach. "You'll be a wonderful mother." He whispered, his eyes full of love and joy.

"And you'll be the best father ever." I smiled and hugged him. He pulled back, curiosity written over his features and a glimmer of mischief hidden in those hazel gems.

"What are we having?"

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

It's been a few months. They only evidence that shows I'm pregnant is the little belly I've developed, but it's barley noticeable. Me and Alex are happier than you could imagine. He proposed to me, at the same place where we went on our first date, the same place he died (which might I ad, wasn't very um, happy for me, but I ignored it). It was a place that resembled us as one.

Right now, I was getting an Ultra Sound by the best pack doctor ever, Sabrina, and one of my brides maids. She smiled down at me as she put some warm goowy gel on my tiny stomach. I looked to the monitor, as she touched one of the machines as she rubbed the gel into my stomach. I squeezed Alex's hand holding it tighter, as the screen gained movement. I couldn't really make out anything, but my heart beat faster, my breath caught in my chest.

Sabrina gasped, "Alice," she laughed, "Your having twins!" I looked at her in disbelief. But when my gaze focused on the screen once again, I could make out the outline of two heads and bodies. I laughed as I looked back an astonished Alex.

I smiled. I already knew the sex of them. "Twins. Two baby boys."

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