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"You ready for this?" she heard Jonathan ask.

"Of course."

"Good. Just remember to stay out of the direct fire from the guns."

"You've already told me this about a million times."

"I know. But I can't afford to let you get shot."

"Stop worrying about me." Julia said softly. "I am perfectly capable of defending myself."

He nodded with his mask on. "Let's go introduce ourselves then."

"Lets." she agreed.

They walked into the police station arm in arm. The police didn't realize it was them until they had walked through the lobby.

"Put your hands above your heads!" yelled a cop. He pointed a gun at them.

"Relax." said Jonathon. "I'm only here to introduce myself and my partner."

"Why?" the cop asked.

"I believe in introductions before I start a conflict. Everyone should know the name of the Scarecrow and Ragdoll; my lovely companion here."

"Nice to meet you. I'm lieutenant Gordon." he said sarcastically. "Now will you put your hands in the air."

"With pleasure." Julia purred.

They raised their hands and dropped four small spheres. They let out a cloud of smoke, as Julia quickly put her gas mask on.

Then the screams started. Jonathan quickly grabbed her and pushed her back into the lobby. No cops were out here, so they didn't have to worry about getting shot.

"You can take off your gas mask now." she heard Jonathon say.

Slipping it off, she smiled as she heard gun fire. "How long do we got?"

"Well usually we would have had about three minutes at most to escape, but unfortunately the batman signal was turned on. And... he's behind you."

Jonathan quickly pushed her behind him, as they faced the famous cape crusader.

"If it isn't the Batman." Jonathan said mockingly.

"Scarecrow. Are you brainwashing people now to work for you?" He nodded his head at Julia.

"For your information." Julia said in annoyance. "I am perfectly capable to make my own decisions like becoming a criminal."

"Suit yourself."

A batring swung past her face, startling her.

Then he lunged towards Jonathan who dodged him, and released a cloud of gas from a container in his sleeve. The Batman started to cough, then shake his head as he walked around like a drunk.

"Ragdoll." She heard Jonathon say. "Let's go. SWAT will be here soon."

They quickly left the building and dodged through some deserted alleyways. They made it to Jonathan's apartment after ten minutes, both gasping for air as Julia laughed in delight.

"That was fun!" she exclaimed.

Jonathan took off his mask as they went into the kitchen. "I can't believe you're so happy over this."

"Aren't you? I mean we just met the Batman and beat him badly. We'll probably even be on the news!"

"Yes I'm happy we succeeded." he admitted after a second. "But I don't wave it around for everybody to know."

She mock glared him for a second before she smiled again.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"I'm going to be famous!"

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