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Another big time skip, but not like last time...

Two months and a half later...

"Julia... Stay with me. Help is on the way."

Her head turned towards his voice, eyes focusing. Then she winced at the pain that raged throughout her entire body like a wildfire.

"Listen to me Julia, once they arrive I'll have to leave. I can't risk them knowing about us, but I promise I'll be there in the end..." she could hear tears in his voice and it added more pain to her already burning heart.

She wanted to say something, but her mouth wouldn't open. She wanted to scream. To scream that she understood him, and that she loved him. To have one more last kiss before the end.

Her eyes felt heavy as she felt the pull of sleep. It was peaceful compared to the pain, and after trying to fight... She let it take her. Hearing Jonathan shout her name as everything faded into nothingness.


Her eyes moved back and forth, watching nurses and doctors go around her in a blurr. The walls were white, the curtains a sickly green, and so were the scrubs they wore. She was being operated on In a hospital.

Beeps came from a silver machine next to her. Then suddenly stopped. She watched as the doctors tried to restart her heart. She was supposed to be dead.

"One. Two. Three. Clear!"

Her body jumped slightly then lay still again. Her heart must have flat lined during the surgery. The red line staying straight as the beeping went forever.

"One. Two. Three. Clear!"

Again the same response. There was blood on her gown, blood on her skin. Why was she awake during this horror?

"One. Two. Three. Clear!"

Julia breathed deeply as her heart started to beat again. The doctors sighed in relief as they continued with the surgery. She saw the glint of a scapel, heard the drip of the IV, and smelled the blood.

She was dead.

She was alive.


Julia awoke with a gasp as she struggled to get up from the hospital bed. Immediately two female nurses restrained her, tying leather restraints around her limbs.

"What happened... Where am I!?" she yelled in shock. "How am I alive!?"

"Calm down miss, you're at Gotham General." said the blonde nurse. "You had a last attempt surgery for the cancer and it was a success. We don't know how but some say it was a miracle."

Julia started to cry in relief and panic. But where was Jonathan to hear the good news...

The nurses left after a minute, leaving her alone. Probably to get the head doctor. But the question she kept asking herself, was why did he break his word? He had promised. Her tears came down faster, and she tried to get out of the restraints again. The blonde nurse from earlier came back in, and tryed to tell her to calm down.

"How long?" she interrupted with a sob.


"How long have I been here?"

"A-a month miss."

She leaned back in shock. A month.

"Did I have any visitors?" she dared to ask after a second.

"No. The Batman and Lieutenant Gordon agreed to tell the public that you had died during surgery, so you can be sent to Arkham for private treatment without the other criminals knowing."

New tears wet her cheeks. Jonathan thought she was dead. "No..." she murmured. "No..." she sobbed.

"I'm going to give you a sedative miss. Alright? You need to relax!"

"No!" she screamed. Her heart was breaking. "Oh god no..!"

"It will be alright miss." she heard the nurse say as the needle pierced her inner elbow, and she felt the pull of unconsciousness. She fought the sedative but could feel it deadening her senses. Noise faded into silence and vision blurred. She was being forced into sleep, and not wanting to be alone in the dark.

She wanted him with her...

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