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Julia and Jonathan stood in front of a run down house. The yard was overgrown and vines nearly covered the front of the house, hiding the ugly orange paint. Nature had taken its course on her childhood home. It was fitting in a way.

Jonathan pulled out his mask and slipped it on. "Are you definitely sure about this."

"Yes." she said grimly. "This is something I have to do."

He nodded as they walked up the old stone path. Her trench coat flared out as she walked. It had been a week since the earthquake hit Gotham, and she was healing fast and now felt ready to destroy the things that were holding her back for a better future. Jonathan had agreed to this after a long argument about how it wasn't probably a good idea in her state. But when he saw she would've left without him anyway, he decided to come.

And she was glad that he was here. She grabbed his hand as she raised her other hand to knock. She heard the sound of her knuckles hitting wood travel throughout the house. Then came the shuffling footsteps.

An older woman opened the door. Streaks of blonde were among the grey in her hair. A simple black dress hung on her skinny frame, and her bony hand was latched onto a beer bottle. Her hazel eyes widened at them as gasped in shock. She still wore the red lipstick all wrong.

"Hello mother." she said quietly. "Did you miss me?"

Her mother started to back up from the door as Julia walked towards her. They entered the living room. Trash was littered everywhere with bottles and glasses of wine, beer, and alcohol. Cigarettes were on the couch and the smell of marijuana smothered her like perfume. It was her childhood all over again. Julia took another step towards her mother who fell backwards into an armchair, a cloud of dust rose up. "Please Julia! I wasn't in my right mind at the time! Please forgive me!"

"You still ain't."

Jonathan brought a syringe out of his pocket. "I think Mrs. Heart, that you need a dose of your medicine. You've been without it for far to long."

She tried to get up, but Julia restrained her as Jonathan inserted the needle into her inner elbow.

They then backed up a step to watch Julia's mother fall into hysterics. She screamed and cryed as she scratched at her pale face. Soon after the blood started to flow down her cheeks, staining with the lipstick.

"Julia!" she screamed. "Help me!"

Julia with her now grey eyes cold just stood there. "Sorry mother. But where were you when I was screaming? When I was hiding in my closet? Where were you! Where were you all those years!? Huh? Tell me!" she screamed.

Her mother started to scream louder. And Julia produced a needle and thread, while Jonathan pulled out a rope. He tied her mother down, as she started to stitch her mother's lips closed. Once done, her mother lay shaking in the chair.

Julia went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She slowly walked towards her mother and placed it on her throat. She hesitated and felt Jonathan's hand cover her own.

"Together." he murmured.

"Together." she agreed.

Then they swung the knife, and a gaping wound appeared as blood splattered the floral wallpaper. The wound bled heavily as her mother tried to scream one last word.

It was over in a minute.


The coffee shop was filled with criminals. Of course it wasn't in the nicest place, but the difference was, nobody would mess with her here.

Julia sipped her hot cocoa as she waited for him to arrive. She sighed in annoyance when a splash of chocolate landed on her blue long sleeve. Hopefully it would come out.

The bell above the door rang as another costumer entered. It was also the person she was waiting for.

Nygma greeted her with a smile and sat down across from her in the booth. He rubbed his hands slightly together.

"Cold. Isn't it?" she said.

"For October, yes." he agreed. "So how's your criminal life?"

"Pretty good."

"Yet you won't tell me why you work with the Scarecrow."

"Nope." she smiled. "It shall remain a mystery. A puzzle for you to solve." she mocked.

"Why do you enjoy so much in tormenting me? I am always nice to women, and then they become like vipers. Striking hard and leaving the poison to slowly kill you."

"I never hurt you with words." Julia protested.

"I'll keep my lips sealed on this." he smirked as she shook her head in exasperation.

"So..." she sipped her drink. "Why did you want to meet?"

"Besides checking up on you like a good friend would? I wanted to see it you would attend the Masquerade Ball this year. It's supposed to be the highlight for this year since Bruce Wayne is hosting it."

"Bruce Wayne?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're still learning all about Gotham and its... Attractions, is the word I would use." he paused. "Bruce Wayne is Gotham's famous billionaire who is also the owner of Wayne Enterprises. And I was wondering if you were attending with Jonathan, or if I could give you a ride?"

She laughed. "Sorry about declining the car ride, but I'm pretty sure he'll take me."

"Just asking. And I would love to continue our talk on your guy's relationship, but I have a business meeting to intend to." he stood up, leaving a tip.

"Does this meeting have to do something with the famous Batman, by any chance?" she asked curiously.

Nygma smiled. "Maybe... But it will probably be on the news later. Good day my fair Ragdoll."

He bowed as she nodded. "I shall hope to see you again Riddler."

He smiled as he left the coffee shop with a flourish.

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