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Julia lazily opened her eyes, and saw her old cell from Arkham. The white walls surrounded, slowly closing in. She jolted up into a sitting position, screaming in panic as she held her head in her hands, rocking back and forth.

"" she muttered.

"Julia? Can you hear me?" a voice entered her thoughts. "Julia!"

She blinked and she recognised Jonathan among a blurry brown background as he gripped her shoulders tightly. She realized he was shaking her to come back to reality. Then her eyes finally focused, and she recognised their bedroom they shared. The plain brown walls, and the bed that she was sitting on.


She blinked again as her eyes filled with tears and she flung her arms around him.

"It was worse this time." she whispered. "The flashbacks... They won't go away..."

"They will." Jonathan assured her as he awkwardly rubbed her back. "Just give it time. It has only been three days."

She breathed in his scent of straw and chemicals. Julia found it comforting as she regained her sense back. His shirt was smooth on her cheek and she could feel his strong shoulder muscles underneath.

She reluctantly pulled back after a minute, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted like that."

"It's fine." he said simply, looking her in the eyes. "I use to treat people for stuff like this before."

"And also dose them with fear toxin." she added.

"Of course." he smiled. "I did, didn't I?"

"Yes. And I'm living proof."

"Good. Because I'd hate to lose my favorite patient."

Julia finally laughed as she got off the bed, linking her arms with his. "And I'd hate to lose my favorite doctor..."


"Can you please sit still." said an annoyed Jonathan.

Julia tilted her head to the side as she thought about it, then reluctantly nodded. They were in his study and Julia was starting to get really bored really quick. Jonathan sighed in relief as he finally found a vein in her arm, and inserted the needle in carefully as she winced.

Jonathan was quick to draw the blood he needed, and to switch out mini containers in the process to fill with the blood. Once done, he slid the needle slowly out, and wiped her arm with a small cotton ball. He handed her a bandage as he cleaned his instruments with alcohol.

"You sure that this is absolutely necessary?" he heard Julia ask.

He looked at her as she sat, restlessness clear in her posture. He admired the way her eyes appeared to change color at random times. Hazel then grey then back to hazel. It was mesmerizing and he doubted she even knew her eyes frequently changed.

"Yes it's necessary." he finally said. "I want to make sure the flashbacks are just flashbacks. For all I know, my toxin could still be in your blood. Which probably activated after the traumatic events at Arkham or from your tests you were subjected to by Dr. Harris." he spoke through gritted teeth at the end.

"I'm sure it will get better." she suddenly said aloud. "After all... I have you."

He took his glasses off, then clasped his hands together in thought. "But I couldn't save you from cancer. And I can't protect you when we're in an impossible situation... I thought you died twice, and I experienced emotions I'd rather not go through a third time..."

"What are you saying?" Julia whispered. "Do you want me to leave..?"

"No." he said shaking his head slightly. "I want to remind you of a normal life you can live without me. Cause with me, you have a better chance of dying as you know. But if you stay... I want you to know I'll do everything in my power to protect you."

When he finished, he noticed Julia was silently crying. Concerned, he wiped her tears away with his thumb.

"I don't want to leave you Jonathan... I'd never want to."

"Not even to be normal?"

"I never was. That's why I made myself to look like this." she motioned to the stitches on her cheeks. "To show everyone who I am inside."

He stroked one row of stitches slightly. Feeling the ridges and bumps of the thread against her smooth, pale skin. Then she reached up putting her hand over his.

"I'll be fine." she promised.

"I know." he whispered. "But that doesn't stop me from worrying about you."

She smiled slightly. "And I worry about you too."

"Don't." he said sharply. "I can handle myself."

She moved away from his hand, letting it drop. "I'm not china Jonathan. I can fend for myself. I've done it before."

"You don't understand-"

"No. You don't understand! I'm not gonna hide in your shadow forever. I know how to fight and I have a mind to make my own decisions."

"That's why I'm so worried!" he suddenly yelled standing up. "You have a brilliant intelligent mind. But think of all the recent events that have happened that got you hurt. I can't keep you safe!"


Julia watched as Jonathan fell back in his chair, hands over his eyes. She watched his shoulders quake as she realized he was sobbing. This was the first time she had ever seen him get truly emotional. This was ever the first time she had seen him broken. And it scared her.

"Jonathan." she said desperately. "I know what you are saying... But please give me one more chance at this life with you. I am a wanted criminal just like you and I can never be like anyone else... But I'll do it for you if I have to. Just please give me one more chance!"

Jonathan dropped his hands and looked at her with a rare look of emotion. "One chance." he said finally. Voice hoarse.

Julia leaned forward hesitantly and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you."

He nodded. She pulled back a centimeter before Jonathan cupped her cheeks with his hands, pulling her close. They collided their lips with such force, and she moaned as a raging fire filled her being. Igniting her soul and making her heart beat faster than ever.

She wondered if he to felt the heat as his hands entwined in her hair, pulling it gently, as he deepened the lingering kiss. And when they pulled away gasping for air, they looked into each other's eyes and knew they both wanted more.

This time she kissed first, slowly undoing the buttons on his shirt. As he swept her shirt off in a fluid motion, and guided her towards their bedroom, kissing her passionately all the while.

And they continued on with this as the bedroom door shut with a click behind them.

Somethings should stay behind locked doors.

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