7. Silence

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Making way into the half-filled hallways of high school, or rather hell, had me a bit alert and alarmed. My eyes kept moving from one place to another as if to find someone.

I reached my locker and heaved a sigh knowing that after taking my books out of the metal locker and then closing it, I will get my whole body pushed into it.

I closed the locker after taking my books and waited for the push but it never came, instead came a tap on my shoulder.

I slowly turned around not wanting to know who it was but I had to.

"Hi." An enthusiastic Claire smiled widely towards me. She was accompanied by Clayton, Josh and Allison.

"Hey dude." Clayton raised his fist for a bump and Josh nodded with a friendly smile. Allison looked at the ground with her cheeks tinted red.

Receiving no bump from me Clayton raised my hand himself and bumped my loose hand to his fist.

He then smiled in content and dragged Josh away, maybe to their first class.

"Let's go to class, my hero." Claire smirked and grabbed my arm dragging me towards first class while Allison followed closely behind.

I didn't know what was happening and I didn't know why Jordon didn't greet me like usual, today.

Once we reached the class room, Claire dragged me to the back of the class and Allison followed.

I sat at my usual seat while Claire sat beside me with Allison beside her.

"At lunch, you're gonna sit with us." Claire whispered in my ear and smirked.

Just as I turned to look at her, Mr. Hayes arrived indicating the start of first class.


I got the usual from the cafeteria, a chicken sandwich and a juice box. I made my way out of the cafeteria and walked towards the outdoor tables.

I sat down on one and unwrapped my sandwich ready to eat it but someone else took the first bite. I stared at the girl who chewed while smirking.

Great, now she's going to steal my lunch too.

"Mm, chicken." Claire moaned and sat down beside me with her tray that had a plate of two pizza slices.

"Claire, don't be mean. You have your pizza, so don't eat Hayden's lunch." Josh scolded the green-eyed girl who just innocently smiled in return.

Josh and Clayton sat across from me and Allison sat beside Claire. Just as they sat, the conversations started to flow.

I silently ate my lunch zoning the conversations out. Claire glanced at me every five seconds and it was quite annoying if you asked me.

As I was drinking my juice, I tuned back in and I was interested in listening to what Clayton and Josh were talking about.

"Jordan won't be bullying anyone now." Josh stated and took a gulp of his bottled water.

"Yeah, and if he even dares to look towards Claire, Hayden's gonna beat the crap out of him." Clayton was eating like a pig and was speaking with his mouth full.

"Clayton, please don't talk while you have food in your mouth." Allison scolded while eating her chicken salad.

"Did you see how she punched those jerks and how she was so protective of Claire." Clayton ignored Allison and smirked towards me.

"Yeah and how they embraced each other so lovingly." Josh smirked towards me too.

"Don't gang up on Hayden, guys." Claire said while putting her arm over my shoulder.

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