9. Control

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A week was all it took to take my peace and quiet away. And It was all because of Kyle and Claire.

They'd fight over everything and anything. Who'd sit beside me at lunch, who'd sit beside me in classes, who'd accompany me to the bathroom. They'd fight over everything and it was beginning to get annoying.

And during their not so little arguments, I would sneak away from them and go to the library. They would text me after they would notice that I'm not with them and I would simply silence my phone and read in silence.

But that didn't get to last long because luckily Claire found my hiding spot. And she didn't tell Kyle about it.


"So, what you reading?" Claire would whisper the same question as she did now.

I looked over to her with a straight and unamused face, then turned back to my book again.

She'd sit so close to me that I could literally hear her breathing as she was now, and she'd whisper stupid questions in my ear till the Bell rang indicating the end of free period.

It was just so annoying.

"It's a good thing Kyle wasn't here." She whispered in my ear and I could feel the smirk on her face, she was that much close to me right now.

"Don't you feel the same way? About Kyle not being here." She whisper-asked again and I shook my head.

"Oh yeah because he's your 'best friend' ". She used air quotes and rolled her eyes. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that she's jealous of Kyle.

I grabbed my notepad from my bag and wrote on it before handing it to Claire.

'Are you jealous?'

She looked wide eyed at the page and then grabbed the pen from my hand before writing on it. She handed the notepad back to me and I rolled my eyes at her reply.

'Why, should I be?'

I wrote on it and then gave it to her.


"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked and got a lot of 'shhs' from around her. She muttered a low sorry, then looked back to me.

I ignored her question and continued reading my book. I didn't need to answer all of her questions. Right?

I could see her puffing her cheeks from the corner of my eyes and I rolled my eyes again before grabbing the notepad and writing on it.

'It means that he's my best friend and you're my friend. There's a huge difference there. He knows me better than you.'

She connected her eyebrows and frowned upon seeing the notepad.

"I want to know you. But you don't tell me anything about you. I even found out about your name from someone else." She whisper-complained in my ear and I internally agreed with her.

It's only been like a month since she's been here and she doesn't really know anything about me besides my name.

She sighed and then laid her head on my shoulder, which caused my heart to beat rapidly from the physical contact. I was afraid that she'd hear my heart beating louder than normal.

"Do you even want me to know anything about you?" She whispered and looked at me, still with her head on my shoulder.

I nodded slowly and she frowned again.

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