24. Crude Remarks

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Song: Ours- Taylor Swift

Weeks had passed and everything was going great. Aunt Carrie and Eric had officially become lovers; Jordan, Amanda, and Zeke were becoming our great friends; Claire and I were going strong and don't get me started on Josh and Clayton, they were now the power couple of the school as they had come out to everyone.

The only thing that kept bothering me was that Claire was being touchier with me than before. I mean, I love it when she cuddles with me and we are always touching each other lovingly but now, now she just tries to touch me every chance that she gets. She kisses me more aggressively now and whenever I pull apart, she frowns at me.

I don't know what's going on with her but this all started after we saw Josh and Clayton making out and when Clayton had his hand in Josh's pants. I think this was traumatic to her since she's been really moody lately. I should know since it was traumatic for me too, I've been scarred for life.

"What ya thinking about?" Amanda asked as she took a bite of her club sandwich. Clayton raised an eyebrow towards me while he took a bite of her sandwich as well, making her glare at him.

We three were sitting in the school courtyard since we had a free period.

I shook my head before sighing loudly. "Something's wrong with Claire." Amanda looked at me as to tell me to go on. Clayton was interested as well as he sat straight while looking at me.

"And why do you think that?" Amanda asked as she chewed. "Well, she always turns our small kisses into make out sessions and she's touchier with me than she is usually." I spoke, Amanda and Clayton glanced at each other before they both began to laugh hysterically.

"What?" I asked as I frowned at them. They ignored my questioning look and kept laughing.

"Tell me." I whined and Amanda stopped her laughter for a bit to look at me with a small smile. "She seriously wants to do the do with you." I frowned at her. I don't understand what she's trying to say.


"She wants to have sex with you." Amanda hit Clayton's arm with her hand balled up in a fist as she frowned at him. "Way to be subtle."

"What? She needed to know what is making Claire act like that." Clayton reasoned and I just looked at them with my eyes wide.

"So yeah, Claire's horny."


I blushed a deep red color as I recalled all the times we would make out and she'd glare at anything that interrupted us.

"So, what do I do?" I asked worriedly looking at the two who were fighting with each other.

"Have sex with her, duh."

"Clayton! I swear if you don't shut up, I'm gonna rip your balls out." Clayton cowered in fear as he quickly scooted away from the four-eyed girl.

"You need to talk to her about this. And then do what you feel is right." Amanda explained and I nodded my head with a frown. "What if Claire does want to have sex with me? She did say that we had to sleep together after you kissed me." I spoke as I recalled that time in the park where Claire and I had a rather hot make out session. Another blush came on to my cheeks as I shook my head, clearing it of all those thoughts.

"Hm, why don't you just talk to her first before coming to any conclusions." Amanda spoke with a small smile as she chewed on her sandwich. Clayton was now sitting beside me as he glared at Amanda.


We were both sitting in my room on my bed, well she was on me and it seemed like she didn't want to move at all. Her lips were latched on to mine as we fought a battle with our tongues. Her hands were lost in my hair as I had my arms wrapped around her in a vice like grip.

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