16. Allison

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"So, are you going to come over tomorrow?" Claire asked as she smiled at me cutely.

I laughed before nodding my answer, she pecked my lips before getting into her car. I waved at her as she drove out of the parking lot. Kyle whistled as I turned around to walk to Kyle's car.

"What are you gonna do tomorrow?" Kyle teased as he made kissy faces at me.

I smacked his arm and got in his car, followed by him getting into the driver's side.

Days were going good but Zeke and Jordan were being restless now as I hadn't given them an answer. Most times Zeke would be subtle about it but sometimes he would come up to me when I was around Claire and the others, to ask me about my answer.

It was annoying to say the least but it sure was getting on my nerves. I still didn't know what I really wanted but one thing was for sure, I didn't want to lose Claire. But I did care for Amanda and, when Zeke and Jordan told me that she was going to New York from the same plane as my parents, I was worried. I'm still worried about her.

"Well, we're here." Kyle announced as he stopped the car in front of my house. I smiled at him before opening the car door.

"See you later." I spoke looking at him and he nodded with a smile. I got out of the car and stepped foot on the pavement.

I closed the car door behind me and Kyle drove off after a minute, I walked to the front door and unlocked it with my house keys.

Closing the front door behind me, I ascended the stairs to my room, knowing that Aunt Carrie would come home later.

Being alone in the house was something I really liked before but now, I dreaded it. It felt lonely, and I didn't realize that it was this lonely before.

I jumped on my bed with a sigh as I looked up at the ceiling.

One hell of a weekend awaits me.


The moment I rang the bell, I wanted to run away from there because of the person that opened the front door.


He had his arms crossed and a smirk on his face as he looked at me with a knowing look, like he knew my answer already. The time I had used, to even choose what I wanted was a lot, and I already had an idea what would be the result of my own selfishness.

"How nice of you to join us?" He spoke with the same smirk on his face as he had on that day when he told me about Amanda.

"Where's Claire?" I questioned as I walked past him into the house, giving him a harsh shoulder bump while doing so. He glared at me to which I gave him a satisfied smirk.

"She's gone to get some groceries with her mom, she told me that I'm in charge." He once again smirked making me roll my eyes.

"When are they gonna come back?" I interrogated while I plopped on the sofa in the living room. The house seemed to be empty, with only him and I.

"I don't know." He shrugged while placing himself on the recliner, staring at me.

"What?" I asked as he kept up his staring making me uncomfortable. "Did you make up your mind?"

I nodded my head hesitantly as I hadn't seen him this serious before. The smirk was long gone from his face and now he held a serious expression, telling me that this wasn't a game anymore.

"So, what did you choose? Claire or Amanda?" He spoke with a laugh as he stared me down.

"Claire. It's always gonna be her." He didn't look happy and I had an idea why, he didn't want me to choose Claire.

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