18. What Love Feels Like

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She slapped me again as if by slapping me she could forget the pain I caused her, or maybe she wanted to hurt me the same way I had hurt her. Either way, I was already breaking inside.

"I hate you. I hate you." She hit my chest painfully with her hands balled up into fists as she spoke with hatred but yet I could still feel her love. She was doing this because she loved me or else, she wouldn't have even cared. She kept up her assault as I let her hit me, staying silent.

"I know." I spoke with a sigh as she kept hitting me with her fists, she was crying harder by the minute and I had found out a while ago that this was her way of coping with pain, just like I used to break things to cope with my pain.
"I hate you." She punched my shoulder and I felt the impact as I hissed a little, making her look at me in regret.

"I'm sorry." She immediately flattened out her hand and placed it on my chest, making me smile a little but then she hit me again making me groan.

"Why don't you stop me from hitting you?" She asked as she placed her hand back on to my chest as I sneakily smiled at her. She stared at my collarbones for a whole good minute before her eyes met mine. Her eyes turned green, the light emerald green as she glanced between my lips and my eyes. I didn't know what was happening anymore as I saw her eyes darkened. I didn't see it coming as she grabbed the back of my neck and brought my head down to meet her lips in a fiery battle. Her lips fit with mine perfectly and I felt myself sigh out in content.

With her, I felt like I had found the puzzle piece that was missing. With her, I felt more alive than I've ever felt in my entire life and I wanted her to know that as I placed my hand on her arm sliding it down, leaving only my mark on her skin, and intertwined our hands together.

A moan escaped her lips as she pushed me back suddenly making me fall on my butt with a wince. Okay, she's getting rougher with me by the minute.

She stared at me with her breath ragged and her eyes dilated, as she placed a hand on top of her own heart. She walked closer to me and settled down on my lap with her hands placed on top of my shoulders. She bit her lip as she brought her lips closer to mine, but this time with a gentle look.

Her lip biting didn't stop and I groaned before I latched my lips on hers initiating another battle, but this battle was softer and gentler which showed the love she had for me. I smiled into the kiss making our lips break off with an audible sound. She growled before she slapped my cheek gently, "Keep kissing me." She commanded and I followed her command with a small laugh.

Her lips were dominating mine before I pushed my tongue into her mouth getting a moan in appreciation. She tangled her fingers in my hair, pulling slightly as she slid her body closer to mine, leaving no more space between us.

The wind was blowing wildly and suddenly it reminded me of where we were at the moment. I quickly tore our lips apart with an apologetic smile.

I did not want the kids in the park to see us making out.

"No PDA, love." She groaned before burying her head in my shoulder fisting my shirt possessively.

"I forgive you." She spoke barely audible and I smiled before pushing her stray locks to cascade down her shoulder exposing her neck to me.

"But-" I immediately groaned to which she giggled.

"I'll do anything as long as you keep loving me." I spoke as I stared into her eyes seeing the familiar emerald green come back to its original color.

"I'll always love you." She whispered to me as she caressed my cheek making me smile. "But from now on, you can't be alone with any girl." I laughed as she began to pout at me.

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