Boy Next Door: Chapter 1: The Kiss

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Chapter One

“Spin! Spin! Spin! Spin!” The party chanted as the bottle span round and round and round seeming to never end.

Lexi, Carl, Cameron, Penny, Damien, Kingsley, Ollie, me, Emily, Justin, Abigail, Lawrence, Chris and finally Brad going round back on to Lexi and so on. It started to slow down and it finally landed Penny and it was time for Brad and Penny to kiss. It lasted for about 30 seconds before Lexi got a chance to spin it. Again it went round and round this time landing on Cameron. They kissed and it was next went to Carl. We went round in a circle until it finally went to me. I had had a total of 3 kisses so far. I was hoping to get Emily my long time crush. I span the bottle chanting Emily over and over again in my mind. It started to slow down on the way to me. It was so going to stop on Emily.

It didn’t it landed on me.

I got to go again hoping that this time my kiss with Emily would come. I didn’t expect what was going to come. It started slowing down in the complete opposite direction. Damn it, I thought I was going to have to kiss Lexi, or Penny or maybe even Abigail but the bottle went…



“FUCK NO!!!!!!!” I yell standing up refusing to even consider putting my lips near his. “No way in hell am I kissing him.”

No way was I going to kiss him 1) he’s a dude and I’m a dude and not a gay one, 2) everyone was watching I didn’t want them to think I was gay.

It is not that I’m homophobic or anything but kissing guys voluntarily was just not my forte. I stand up out of my space and demand to be able to spin the bottle again.

“Oh calm down Drew.” A college freshman screams in my face before chanting, “KISS!” Soon everyone started joining in. I looked over to Chris and saw him just string t ground like he didn’t know what to do.

I ignored the chanting which was now edged towards Chris and went to find Pete who had invited me to the party. I was lucky to be a junior in a college party especially because no one actually knew who I was.

I suddenly found myself being pushed along by a line of college boys who were pushing me towards Chris, who was also being pushed towards me. I didn’t understand all the commotion just for us to kiss.

I suddenly found myself being circled around by people with Chris the circle was getting smaller and smaller. I still refused to do it, but then Chris grabs my face presses down forcefully on my lips and doesn’t let me go. All around us is cheering and jeering but all I can properly focus on I his lips on mine, it feels so wrong and I couldn’t get him off. My next door neighbour who I never reslly every talked to was all of a sudden all over me.

He finally released me after what seemed like hour. I just stared at him…in the distance I could hear people saying “BACK TO THE BOTTLE!!” but I ignored it and just stared at him until I finally ran to the bathroom to clean my mouth.

UGH! I don’t care if I seem homophobic I don’t go round kissing boys, don’t care what it’s for. I ran the water and took some in my hand and rubbing it over my mouth. In the mirror I saw him.



Chris just standing there and staring at me as I continued to wipe my mouth.

“You kissed me.” I said simply but with utter disgust.

“Yeah, I did. Sorry, I came up here to apologise. They weren’t gonna let it go till it happened so I thought what the hell. Why not and you know what I quite l… never mind. It’s weird.”

“It’s already weird.”

“I sort of liked it.” He said shutting the door after him.

“What are you doing? Are you gay, because I’m not gay and gays make me feel uncomfortable.” I say edging away from him as he stays with his back to the door.

“I’m not gay; well I don’t think I am. You’re the first guy I’ve ever kissed and it was….good.”

This was getting weird; I mean he was my bloody next door neighbour who I barely talk to. We only say ‘hello’ or ‘hi’ every now and then. It was going to be just peachy living next door to him from now on.

“Well, I’m leaving…goodbye.” I walked towards the door, at first he didn’t get out of the way. I gave him a deathly stare and he still didn’t budge. So I lifted my hand and shoved him and opened the door and left. Now I was happy I didn’t really talk to him, he was strange and I knew enough strange people.

I got outside before he called me.

“Drew! Drew!” he calls and I reluctantly turn around, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

I ignored the comment and walked on home, but I could feel him following me.

“Let me walk with you…please?” he asked me tentatively.

“Ugh, but don’t stand to close.” I finally agreed after a few minutes of thinking. I honestly do not know what I was thinking.

“COOL!” He ran up next to me and he got the hint when I steppe slightly away from me and he took a step away too. Good. “ So do you like sports?” He carried on trying to make some small talk.

“No.” I replied blatantly, I really didn’t want to talk to him.

“Music?” he asked hopefully trying to fill up the awkward silence which was lingering in the air.


“What type?”

“Alternative, Rock some commercial, chart music.”

“What bands?”

“You sure do ask a hell of a lot of questions.”

It was silent again. He didn’t speak but he started humming a tine, that I knew all to well. My Chemical Romance- Na na na. I hummed along with him though it was weird humming a rock song it was sort of fun. When we got to our street he said bye which I purposely didn’t reply. I didn’t want him to think I liked him after our epic humming session.

Note to self: Kill Pete for letting me go to college party.

Next note to self: Don’t talk to boy next door


Author Here *waves* this is my first ever story, hope you like it if you do pleaaaaaaaseeee vote and commmment because it helps me know how I can improve. 

Don't need to read this but: hellllooo 
                                                            ^^^ random ok bye  

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