Boy Next Door: Chapter 2: New Kid

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Chapter Two

At school on Monday I couldn’t stop thinking about the party on Saturday. About the kiss between Chris and I, how…wrong….it felt.


I suddenly feel a bang on my back and a jump on my back also, of course it’s the one and only Wes. I tipped him off me and we started talking.

“So the college party…”

Damn it I don’t know how I’m going to explain what happened, but I decided to anyway because damn it I can’t get it out of my mind. I quickly drag him in to an empty class room.

“Whoa, whoa. I don’t bend that way man.” Wes says jokingly before becoming serious. “Ok seriously what’s up?”

“The party.”

“The party?”

“Yes, you dick, the party. Damn something…happened.” I really didn’t know how to tell him, he’d probably think of me as a fag afterwards, but I decide to tell him anyway, because even guys needed people to talk to.


“You know the dude I live next to?”


“Yeah. Well at the party, we were playing spin the bottle and when I span it… the bottle landed on him and well…you know.”

“NOOOOOO! NO WAY MAN!” he screamed jumping up and down and staring me down. I stared at him for a while, while he just had a stupid grin on his face obviously trying to figure out what to say…or what to do. I couldn’t take the silence I just wanted him to come and say what he wanted to say.

“Well, what do I do?  He wouldn’t leave me alone on the Saturday of the party and I had to avoid him all rest of the weekend. On my way to school I saw him looking at me from his window.” I complained. Wes just spent most of the time sitting down quietly, he was serious now probably thinking about what to say, or what to do.

“Avoid him. Simple as and if he keeps on bothering you then, well if that happens we’ll see if it comes to that.”

I’m just about to reply but then the bell rings and it is time for us to get to home room, I go and sit in my usual seat around my usual friends; Wes (of course), Harry, Allie, Vince and Regina. This is what we would normally do every morning before Mrs Michaels would come in for 30 minutes and talk about crap no one cared about before real school begun.

“Guess who Drew was kissing this weekend?” Wes asked the gang, I hit him with full force before giving him the ‘don’t-you-dare-say-anything-about-this’ glare. “…his pillow?” he finished. It sounded more like a question, I must of forgotten to tell him not to anybody. I loved my friend I honestly did but they were the type of people to make fun of a person for it.

My thoughts were distracted when Miss Michaels came in with Principal Jones in tow. “Hello Class,” Miss Michaels began. “It’s is an absolute pleasure for me to announce a new student will be joining our class.”

A new student. Hmm. Ever since Jasmine and Porter Phillips left before Christmas our class has always been a little short, it was short even before they came.

Principal Jones began to speak this time, “I want to introduce you to Chris Moyles. Chris you can come in now.”

What the FUCK. Chris? Chris Moyles? The Chris Moyles who I live next to? The Chris Moyles from the party Chris Moyles? Of course it was that Chris, who else could it be. Chris went to a private school on the other side of town to my understanding, so why did he decide to come to my crappy public school. Chris came strolling in and his eyes instantly landed on mine, he blushed(?) slightly smiled before looking at Miss Michaels to assign him a seat.

“Class, meet your new classmate Chris. Chris, why don’t you go over and it between Wes and Allie.” He pointed out the seat and he took his place right in front of me, he turned around and started talking to me.

“Hey Drew, didn’t think we’d be in the class… don’t worry I won’t make this awkward for you.” Chris said this smugly before turning back round and listening to Miss’ prattle.



I banged my locker before lazily throwing my calculus book inside. I put my back to it and looked at Wes with a dishevelled look.

“Dammit, I knew he was stalking me. I mean what the hell dude it was only one kiss.” I whisper-scream at Wes who is neatening out my locker like he always does when I’m to lazy too.

“You’re acting like you in love with the guy, geez man, just calm down. I’m sure he was moving here anyway. If you act like he’s bothering you then he’s just gonna keep at it, it was just one kiss, it meant nothing right?” I flinched at the word love, love with a guy... never. I wasn’t gay.


“Then just ignore the guy he’s bound to leave you alone.”

“You’re right, don’t know why I was so worried.” He was right, Wes, of course there was nothing to worry about. It was just me being my normal paranoid self.

“Then again I could be wrong.” He added after a while, I looked up at him confused and saw him looking and pointing behind me discreetly. I turned around and saw Chris making his way up to me. You have got to be kidding me.

Wait, I thought to myself, maybe he’s just coming because I’m the only person he know. Yeah that’s got to be it.

“I’m the only person he knows, I will stay calm and be civilised with him. Maybe.” I turn back around to Chris and say “Hey. So you are here. At my school.

“Yes. Mom and Dad were having some financial troubles in affording Jane Potters’ Private Academy. So here I am.”

I smile awkwardly before carrying on the conversation with Wes joining in every now and then. It’s not as bad as I initially think it’s going to be.

Chris doesn’t spend the whole day with us though, and we do go home separately as I normally give Wes a lift home before going home myself. Once I’ve dropped of Wes I start thinking to myself. Maybe Chris was just being polite and didn’t want there to be any awkwardness after the kiss. Wait…why am I thinking about it so much. So what I kissed a guy, once, it was spin the bottle and we were forced. Well I was forced but still. I drive into the driveway and pull in to park before turning off the engine and getting out.

“Chris? What are you doing here?” I ask, he’s standing at the door with his head in his hands, crying.

“It’s my dad.”


Author: So what do you think, if you like iit please comment, vote and fan if you want :) decided to leave it on a cliffhanger because it's fun :p the next chapter is going to be a little longer because I have more planned for it. So here's a question, whose your favourtie character. Drew, Chris or Wes. The other characters haven't been brought to life next but once they have you can tell me who you like the most and I'll try to bring them in more.

By :) 

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