Boy Next Door: Chapter 3: Fake Date

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Chapter 3

“He’s gone, he just upped and left.” I remember him telling me he looked so sad so disappointed, there was what looked like pain in his eyes and it was awkward to watch.

I was sitting in Chris’ room on his bed while he had his head in my lap while I awkwardly had my arms laid back on the bed. He suddenly got up (thank goodness) and asked me, “Would you like a drink?”

I nodded and he left the room. I don’t know why I agreed to go back to his house; it was something about the way he looked at me it seemed so genuine I felt bad to turn away. I looked around his room it was about the same size as mine, so not too big or too small. It was quite plain and simple, with a few posters of rock bands on the wall. Like Muse, All Time Low, MCR and Pendulum.


I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I checked who was calling me and saw it was Wes.


“Hey Drew, can I come over?”

“Yeah but if I’m not at home when you get there I’m next door at Chris’.”

“Chris? Why? You know what I don’t wanna know tell me when I get there.”

I heard him snap the phone shut before I can say bye, and I silently hoped that he would get here quickly so I           could leave. I heard footsteps coming towards the room so I guessed that it was Chris with the drinks.

It was. “Here you go, it’s a banana, strawberry and grape smoothie, I made it myself just for you. I remember your mom saying something about 2 years ago at your summer barbeque about your favorite fruits.” Chris handed me the smoothie and I took it tentatively.

I took it and it hated to admit it was actually pretty good. I ignored that fact that he remembered something from my past which was 2 years ago. I drank some more and this it’s after taste was kind of funny but it was still quite good.

Chris and I were talking for about 20 minutes when I started to feel really tired. My arms felt week and my legs felt heavy. My eyelids were drooping and I felt really faint.

“Chris, I’m going to go home. I’m tired dude.” I told him trying to stand up but I ended up falling back on to the bed. I looked up to see Chris standing above and he was staring at me intently. That’s when it hit me, I was going to confront him but then he admitted it himself.

“That’s what happens when you spike someone’s drink with…something special.”

“You dick, what did you give to me.”

“Oh Drew, sweet Drew you don’t need to worry about that, it’s a secret.” He whispered in my ear before pushing my propped up body flat on to the bed. What was he doing to me; he straddled me before lowering his head to mine. Was he going to kiss me? It was practically rape, wait it was rape I didn’t want this. Suddenly he pressed his lips on to mine and pulled away quickly before pressing his lips back to mine.

I struggled a bit but I felt too weak and he continued to kiss me, he licked my bottom lips like he expected me to enter. Was he serious;  like I was gonna let him. He sensed I wasn’t going to let him deepen the kiss and he bit my lip really harshly before slipping his tongue in my mouth. His tongue went everywhere around my mouth and it was sickening.

I couldn’t thank my luck stars for what happened next.

The door burst open and there stood Wes with a shock expression on his face. He took a look at Chris who lay on top of me and then to me who was being straddled on and the disgusted and weak expression on my face. He suddenly then grabbed Chris from on top of me and threw him on to the floor before grabbing me and literally dragging me out of his room.

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