The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 24

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 24


I was walking as fast as I could back to Doc's place. Yesterday, I had barely prevented Felicia from doing doing something she'd regret. I didn't have a single clue what the old woman would do to hurt May, but I hadn't taken any chances. Now, Doc was calling everyone who knew May to come to his clinic. She was 'stirring', or at least, moving in her sleep. He said it was a matter of time before she woke up.

But I hadn't heard the news from Doc himself.

Jeb and the others had done their best to keep me from finding out. They forgot that my little brother Miles was friend's with Melanie's little brother Jamie. As soon as Jamie had told Miles, my little bro had made a bee-line for me. He cared for May and knew that I did too. 

Currently, I was aiming for the tunnel that would take me to Doc's, however, Jeb was outside. He had his gun too. Of course, he always carried his gun, but it was still unsettling.

"Doc doesn't want May to see you." Jeb said as he walked towards me. He stopped three or four feet away.

"Fine. She doesn't have to see me." I agreed. "But can I at least stand in the back of the group? I'll slip out if Doc tells me to."

Jeb considered my proposition for a while. Eventually he eased up and stood back. "Alright, but if you don't keep to your word, it's the fields for three months."

Three months? Harvesting the wheat in the fields wasn't that bad, but usually Jeb kept an alternating schedule so you didn't get bored out of your mind. Three months in the fields would feel like an entire year. It wasn't like I wasn't planning on keeping to my world, but the punishment was a little harsh. It was just like Jeb.

"Fine." I agreed.

Jeb nodded me on to the tunnel.

 I passed him without looking back. Everyone else was probably gathered already. I would be the last arrival.

Just as I guessed, Whitney, Sarah, Tomas, Jesse were here. Miles would be too, but Jeb had probably given him some other task to keep him busy. I was surprised to see that Jamie was among the people here as well. His sister Melanie, who always stayed close, wasn't in sight. Wanda hadn't even attended in her stead.

I walked up to the group and stood beside Jesse who was in the back. Most likely, his conscious had gotten to him. He had treated May pretty badly when she first came to the rebel base. But I guessed she was already over that. After all, May had stolen Jesse's motocross bike. She would be the one feeling sorry and apologizing. Or maybe they both would. 

Doc, who was standing nearby, gave me a single glance. I suppose he was okay with me if Jeb had let me through. However, I could still tell he was nervous about how May would act when she woke up.



I remembered feeling dizzy when I passed out. I don't know how long I'd laid out in that oven until someone had come across me. These somebodies took me somewhere cool and I was placed on a bed. A someone fed me water. I didn't know if it was the rebels or strangers who had found me. I felt guilty for feeling relieved that May wasn't in my head anymore. That would have been a big problem if strangers had picked me up. They would have killed me for sure.

For the couple of days that I laid in the bed, I had felt like jello. My arms and legs had been unresponsive until I'd gotten enough water in my system. Now that I'd gained my strength back, I was ready to face whoever had found me.


The voice belongs to Taylor. I'd only heard him once before, but that's all I need to know. He had cried out the moment I tried to open my eyes. Some woman with redish brown hair attempts to stop him from coming forward. I think her name is Sarah. The other, a bleach blonde haired woman, is Whitney. She doesn't do a thing as Taylor manages to break free of Sarah and passes her.

The guy immediately drops to his knees once he's by my beside. I've managed to sit up some without any help. The dark skinned man named Doc observes us from afar. Unlike Sarah, he doesn't look furious with Taylor.

"May?" Taylor asks much quieter when he's closer.

I knew May liked the guy, but I'm not her. Plus, I'm still angry at Taylor for trying to smooch with her when I was the tiniest bit alive within.

That's why I don't hold back when I smack him upside the head with an open palm.

Taylor's head pivots. Everyone sucks in their breath as they wait for either me or him to say something. Taylor's the first to react. That's okay because I'm purposely letting him go ahead.

"What the hell was that for?!" he shouts. He disreguards any sense of restraint when he cusses against me.

"That's for kissing me." I growl, wanting to slap him a second time (or a third if the very first time counts). 

The fierceness in my voice throws him off. He's never heard May speak like that against him. What he doesn't understand is that May is no longer in the building. 

"That's two strikes." Sarah mocks somewhere in the background. "One more and you're out, bud."

"Shut up, Sarah." Taylor growls back, getting angier. He turns back to me, but he doesn't know what to say that won't sound ticked off. So he just says what's on his mind. "What the heck is wrong with you?" he asks me, barely replacing hell with heck. "I thought you liked me May."

"May does." I answer him honestly. Might as well let the cat out of the bag now. "I don't."

Everyone becomes confused except for Doc.


He speaks the word aloud so that all can hear.

I don't say anything and that's just the confirmation he needs.

"Taylor, she's not May anymore." Doc tries to explain as softly as he can. "Jenny, the human who had the body first, she...."

Doc doesn't have to finish the rest of the sentance for Taylor to understand. And it's like a switch has been flipped. Whatever restraint Taylor had for May is no longer inside of him. He lunges for my throat.

Jesse barely manages to catch him around the waist. His brother Tomas helps drag Taylor away. Taylor's hands never got a chance to close around my neck. Jesse had acted fast. I knew he hated May when she was alive, but sometime, I have to find a way to thank him.

Just as Tomas and Jesse pull him out of the room, I yell after him. "I didn't kill her!" to make things clear to him.

Of course, that only makes things even more confusing for those still in the room. So, I begin explaining. Doc's the one who absorbs every detail like a sponge and commits it to memory. I suppose he'll speak with Jeb later. But I'm wrong. He leaves the room immediately after I'm done with my retelling to tell Jeb. The others hang around awkwardly, wondering what they should do.

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