The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 43

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 43


We walked down the hall together as a collective. The guards barely turned their heads as we passed. The worst part of this mission was actually acting as a tourist group. That meant we couldn't rush through the building, otherwise, they would think we were up to something. One of the secretaries from the front desk had been kind enough to assign us a tour guide. A woman in a muave pencil skirt in jacket jabbered nonsense into our ears as her heels clicked down the hall.

"...And this is where the military leaders usually meet every Sunday." She chirped away, "Although there's no cause for war now, they like to get together like a counsel group and swap old war stories. Some of their experiences are quite terrifying, if you ask me."

We glanced to our right to see a bunch of old men seated around a table behind a window. Some of them were in deep discussion, waving their hands about as they explained what happened to them. One of the old leaders saw us and gave us a wave. Healer Blossom was the first to wave back (after all, it was the courteous thing to do). The rest of the group got the hint and waved slowly and awkwardly back.

"If you'll follow me..." our guide hummed while her heels clicked again.

The group began moving, but I fell behind to talk to Skyfall. We had to ditch her somehow without letting the whole pentagon know what we were up to. If we up and disappeared on her without saying what we were doing, she'd alert somebody.

"What should we do?" I whispered while our guide continued to hum merrily to herself.

"We could either lock her in a closet somewhere," he replied, "Or take her host...."

He never got the chance to finish because Taylor had caught up with the woman. He put on a happy and eager face before grabbing her attention.

"Can you show us where the counsel is planning on reforming the "right to bear arms" amendment?" he asked innocently enough.

The secretary looked at him while she walked, "I'm sorry, but that area is strictly prohibited." she told him and all of us in a cheery, upbeat voice.

"Why?" Healer Blossom asked (sincerely, I might add), "I thought everyone was equal."

The secetary's face faultered as she tried to find the right expression to put our questions to rest. She settled on an understanding gaze, with a light smile and half-closed eyes, "I know dear," She said, molding her tone the same way, "But some Souls are better qualified for those jobs. Even if I took you there, you probably wouldn't understand what they're saying." she said endearingly.

"Can't we just pass by it?" Jared spoke up from Melanie's side. He was eager, like all of us, to find our way to the center and quickly.

She frowned, "I suppose so..." She hummed unsurely, "As long as we only pass by, it should be alright."

A triumph for all of us. We'd won her over just barely. There was still the problem of what we'd do with her once we got there, but I'm sure we'd think of something. Then, there were the guards that were probably stationed at the doors. 

For now, we let her guide us in the right direction. Skyfall and I discussed stradegy. We both agreed that it was best to lock her up someplace safe. Then, we could have Blossom switch clothing with her. They were basically the same size and build. After that was done, and hopefully Blossom was willing to follow the plan, she could fool the guards into leaving their posts. While they went on a wild goose chase, we could slip in and start the next stage of our plan.

I felt slightly sorry for the woman who had no idea what was going to happen to her. She'd picked the wrong day to show up to work. However, when it came to saving a race or letting it die out, I was planted firmly on the side of the humans. There was no time for guilt.

"It's right around this corner." The secretary hummed as we neared the site.

I gave a nod to Jared and Ian. They moved forward together. One wrapped their hand around her mouth and held her head while the other scooped her off the ground from behind.


"E...excuse me." Blossom, dressed in the mauve pencil skirt and jacket, stuttered. 

Everyone could tell she was extremely nervous out there by herself. She stood awkwardly, as if she couldn't decide whether to cower or to run. The guards looked at her, wondering why she of all people (a "secretary") had come this far to tell them.

"Some kids came into the building...they took off." She said, continuing with the act, but the guards didn't buy it at first. So, she added, "I think they were human."

Immediately, the two looked at one another, then rushed off to go find the "humans". Our plan had worked brilliantly. As soon as the guards had disappeared around the opposite corner, the group came out of hiding.

"The desguise thing isn't such a bad idea." Skyfall commented as we walked out together. I could tell he was paying too much attention to me. Taylor was hovering nearby, on boyfriend-protect mode. "Maybe we should all change clothes, so we can sneak pass the third level of security easily." the Seeker suggested.

I thought for a moment. As much as I didn't want to set Taylor off, I had to agree that Skyfall's plan was a good one, "Yeah, we should." I agreed, "But not all of us should be deguised as secretaries. Some of the guys should find where the guards change into their uniforms. Meanwhile, everyone else can deguise ourselves as errand runners."

So it was agreed that we would split up and find the different locker rooms before too many people saw us. We'd already spotted workers coming in their civilian clothes and those already on the clock running around in suits. They had to have a place where they changed someplace around here. The only reason why people didn't think we had snuck in was because we'd split the group. Jesse, Jared, Kyle, Taylor, and Skyfall had agreed to change into guard uniforms. Meanwhile, Ian, Jenny, Melanie, Wanda, Sunny, Gabbe, and Sarah came along with me. Blossom was waiting back at the meeting spot. Since her job consisted of waiting for us, all the real workers thought she was waiting for some important official.

We found the dressing rooms for the average folk down the hall some ways, where we saw a women exiting a room in casual clothing. Her business suit was draped over her arm, while in her hand, was a coffee. She walked pass us without a care in the world. Actually, she looked relieved to be getting out early. She probably thought we were the replacement force coming in right on time. We slipped into the women's changing room while Ian went a door down to the men's.

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