The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 44

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 44


"You look pretty good in a uniform." I said as Taylor rolled his shoulder blades. He was trying to make the suit fit better.

He frowned, "It doesn't feel good." he said.

The guard's uniforms consisted of a grey pair of pants and jackets, with grey boots and a helmet. The helmet covered the skull. The part that shielded the eyes was a black tinted lense, that allowed the wearer to see everyone, but no one could see their eyes. It was a dumb move on the Soul's part. Taylor, and the other guys (Jared, Jesse, and Kyle), had been able to take their contacts out. Humans could easily desguise themselves in the guard's uniform.

The women, on the other hand, dressed in a collection of buisness attire. I wore a deep red pencil skirt with a pinkish-white ruffle blouse and a bright red scarf. Melanie and Wanda were dressed in plain greys, Jenny was a white, Sunny yellow, and Sarah and Gabbe smudges of brown. Ian came out wearing a black tux from the men's changing room.

Skyfall had already ran everyone through the deal. Those dress as guards would stay on the outskirts of the various groups, closely following them without attracting any attention from anyone else. The well-dressed women would travel alone or in pairs. Ian and Wanda had already announced that they were going to stick together. Sarah and Gabbe followed suit. That left Melanie, Sunny, Jenny, and myself to walk by ourselves through the crowd to the office where the counsel would be. If we were lucky, no one would get lost.

The group met up at the spot by the entrance, where Blossom was still waiting for us. Her face eased up a little when she saw me. She looked like she had been considering fleeing. Now that I was here, along with everyone else, she seemed reassured. We barely came together as a group before people started walking. Ian and Wanda headed down the West wing to explore. Jesse, deguised as a guard, slowly followed them. Sarah and Gabbe went to the East wing---the place we had just come from. Skyfall followed them. Sunny and Blossom tagged behind the girls, with Kyle as their guard shortly behind them. Melanie, Jenny and I walked down the North hallway, tracked by Jared and Taylor. 

Our goal, by splitting up, was to cover the most ground in the less amount of time possible. That way, we could locate the exact office they were working in. The groups stayed in touch with one another through the guard uniform's headsets. They allowed the guys to stay in touch with one another. Once the office was located, we could regroup with one another and tackle it together.

It wasn't nerve-wracking for me to walk down the halls. Sure, there was some pressure to find the office, but other than that, my burden was realitively light. The humans however, Jenny and Melanie, looked like they could jump out of their skin at any moment. They were literally surrounded by dozens of their enemies. If they were caught now, there would be no redo. The other humans would be found out as well. I presume that, once the Souls learned Skyfall, Wanda, Sunny, Sarah, and myself were helping the humans, they'd extract us and send us off world. The less trouble makers, the better. 

But they wouldn't do that until they'd gotten all the intel they could out of us. That included where the humans came from, if there were others, and if we knew of any other groups.

I couldn't let them do that to the humans. I wouldn't let myself be caught because I had no intention of ratting them out. I felt like a space in my heart had opened up for the humans since I'd begun my journey, way back when my bus had been ransacked. If they were taken away, it would turn into a hollow place. The emptiness would consume me, and then there would be nothing left. I didn't think I could function without them.

So I kept my eyes sharp. I had to find that office for them. If we could just convince them that Souls should hand the Earth's control back to the humans, then we could mend the tears we created.

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