The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 40

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 40

(Song - This is War - 30 Seconds to Mars)

We were in a cell. It wasn't the best place to have a meeting, but we had no place else to meet where the general populace of the base wouldn't peek their heads in. The civilians rarely came back to these tunnels where kidnapped Souls were held, so they were perfect. 

Inside the cave, there were a lot of the important individuals. Jeb, of course, headed the proceeding. He stood off to the side of the wide wall we had asked people to keep clear of. His hat was slightly tipped, obscuring his face. The shotgun's barrel was facing the Earth. He looked like he was taking a nap while standing upright, but in reality he was very much awake. 

On the other side of the wall, Wanda, Ian, Melanie, and Jared stood beside one another. Between Melanie and Jared was Jamie, her younger brother. While her hand was locked with her lover's, the other was holding Jamie's. They looked like one big family. Beside them, Wanda and Ian were talking quietly with one another. What they were discussing, I had no clue.

In the crowd, there were other noticable figures like Kyle, Sunny, Lily, Lacey, and Sharon. Kyle was Ian's older brother. Now and then his gaze slipped over to his sibling, however his hand stayed interlocked with Sunny's. Sunny was a Soul I hadn't gotten the chance to meet, but by the way the two acted, they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Another example that a Soul and human relationship could work out. A somber Lily stands apart from them, grieving over something that must have happened before my time here at the base. Lacey has her back turned to Lily. She's talking with someone from the base. Their conversation is friendly, so they must know one another somehow. Meanwhile, Sharon stands from a distance, glaring at the girl talking to Lacey.

Then there are the people who I'd worked around at the base. Tomas and Jesse, the two brothers, stand side by side as they wait for the meeting to begin. Whitney and Sarah aren't too far off from them. Beside Whitney is a trembling Healer Blossom that still doesn't understand what's going on. Sarah is talking with Gabbie, asking about the last raid. Gabbie looks relucant to answer her.

Farther off, there are the Souls that came with me to the human's base when I was kidnapped. They were the ones that were allowed to stay. Calsafer, the tall muscular one, holds Angel, a Soul in the body of a young girl, on his shoulders. The two look like a young daughter and her father, out for a day of fun. 

Then, off to the right side of the room, there's Taylor and Miles standing together. When my gaze meets his, Talor's mood improves. Miles grins at me. He's not as old or mature like Melanie's Jamie, but he understands that Taylor and I are back on good terms again. That makes him happy.

The left side of the room has the base's elderly lined up. They're as close to the front as they can possibly be. Maggie's at the head. She's Melanie's and Jamie's Aunt from what I understand. Behind her is David and Felicia---Jenny's Uncle and Aunt. Felicia is glaring hard at me. I can tell I won't be forgiven easily. Wrapped in her arms is Jenny herself. Uncle David has a hand on her shoulder, but Felicia is clearly claiming the girl for herself. Jenny looks indifferent in her Aunt's arms.

There are several dozen others I haven't gotten the pleasure to meet mixed in with the group. The crowd continues to expand until there's even people standing out in the tunnel on their tip toes looking in. Jeb looks up from his hat, giving me the cue to start the meeting. I take out Seeker Skyfall's pen.  

The interface is easy for me to navigate. I push aside the other collums and bring up the single video player in the center entitled "Counsel to reconsider Constitution". While the viewer was busy loading, I expanded the screen with my hands, pulling the corners apart so that it was roughly the size of the cleared wall. Then the video started playing.

A female news reporter sat at a desk with papers in her hands. She shuffled them as she read through the information.

"....of Souls to reconsider parts of the United States of America Constitution. Their goal is to ammend some of the faulty laws, such as "right to bear arms"." the young woman read, "They are scheduled to meet in three days in Washinton, D.C. If all goes well, as we know it all will, guns will be prohibited. Back to..."

I cut it off short and turned towards the crowd, "As you can see, the Counsel of Souls is a reality. They control everything." I explained to the onlooking people, "The Rebels have been cutting off the heads of the Hydra. Now that the Hydra has been careless enough to show its body, we can strike it at its heart and put an end to the invasions. Souls have expanded their power too far in the act of the "greater" good. They have lost sight of their original ideals. We must stop them before the entire universe grovels at their feet."

Murmurs of agreement rose from the crowd, however, there were a few unsure faces. Like I thought, someone spoke up.

"How exactly are we going to defeat the Counsel of Souls?" Jesse asked, "Won't they be surrounded by an army of Seekers? Human rebels can't waltz in."

"I have a plan for that." I told him, quieting his question. "But for now, I need to know who is willing to risk their life on this mission. We can't take very many people---this needs to be a covert operation."

I looked out to the crowd, waiting for raised hands. The first one to go up, of course, was Jenny's. She'd stay every step behind me. Aunt Felicia shot her niece a dirty look and tried to yank her hand down, but Jenny didn't let that stop her. 

Meanwhile, Jesse and Tomas looked to one another. Without any quarrel, both raised their hands. Behind them followed Taylor and Miles. Taylor quickly forced Miles's hand down. He was too young, after all. The rest of the volunteers consisted of Melanie, Jared, Ian, Wanda, Kyle, Sunny, Gabbie and Sarah. Eleven. Including myself, that made twelve. It would have to do.

"All right, all volunteers please step forward." I announced, "Everyone else is dismissed."

I waited for the entire room to empty out (except for the selected persons) before laying the plan out for everyone.

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