Chapter 6...

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Thank you to @wnchxtxr for the lovely cover you sent me a while ago! This was almost the cover too <3 

Song above is Classic by MKTO. Thought it kind of it :) 

Getting ice cream with my brother was a lot of fun. We talked about everything under the sky. I made sure though not to bring up Gage because I had a feeling that wouldn't go over so well. Luke can be very protective over stupid things like that. Plus I didn't plan on talking to Gage again, especially after the way he treated me earlier. Being a jerk doesn't get you anywhere.

Just being with Luke and doing something normal to us made me feel a lot better. To me it helped make my first day of college better. I hadn't expected to feel this way or need my brother so much but I do and I am so glad I decided to go to Columbia instead of NYU.

Sadly we couldn't stay and eat ice cream forever. Luke had to get back so he could get ready for the football game tonight. I knew it was a big deal for him and Ethan. First game of the season and they were hoping to take it all this year. I knew they could and probably would. When Luke set his eyes on something he wouldn't stop until he got it. That is what made him great at sports and it will be great for when he takes over the company from my father in the future.

The car ride back to campus was a quick one. Luke and I sang loudly along with a song on the radio. Both of us sounding like dying whales but it didn't stop us from screaming loudly to the words. We had only sang along to two songs before Luke pulled into a parking spot. A few cars over I could see my own car sitting there.

My car was my baby. Instead of letting my parents pay for one I made them a deal that I would get straight A's for 2 semesters and pay half if they would pay for the other half; which they agreed to do. My 2010 Honda Accord wasn't the most prettiest car but I worked hard to get it. It ran like a charm and I never had any problems with it. My dad did want to get my a new car for graduation, something more 'dependable' he said but I refused. I earned this car and it worked perfect for me. I didn't drive all the time but when I did, it did the job. Plus it showed how independent I was. I wanted to work for things in life, not have them handed down to me.

I couldn't say the same about Luke though. For graduation he accepted a 2014 Jeep Wrangler from my parents. Sure he already had a car that he did pay for himself but in his words "Why turn down a free car!?" Yep my brother ladies and gentlemen. Luke did however help my parents to kind of pay back something for the car. So it wasn't a total handout. And I had to say it was a pretty damn nice car. A bright cherry red color that you could see from a mile away. Four doors and the top came off. To him it definitely was a chick magnet. And it is fun to drive, he has only let me drive a few times and maybe one other without his permission.

"Thank you for the ice cream Luke." I said as we trekked back towards our dorm buildings.

"No problem. It is our thing we can't stop doing it." I smiled at that. Luke was definitely the best brother anyone could ever have. Even if he looked out for me too much I was glad he did. Without him I don't know what I would do. I always thank my lucky stars that I got such a great family. A few minutes later we came to a stop in front of my dorm building.

"I'll see you tonight at the game, good luck and kick some ass." I said smiling over a him.

"Good I will look for you and Mace in the front row. Make sure to wear my jersey." He pulled me into a bear hug. I squeezed him back breathing in his scent.

"Good luck and tell Ethan the same." I said pulling away.

"I will. See you in a few hours." With a quick peak on my forehead Luke bounded away. Grinning at I turned and headed inside.

Silent Love  (PUBLISHED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora