Chapter 16...

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Thank you for the cover above! I love it! <3 <3

Song above is We Don't Have To Dance by Andy Black thought it fit well. Plus he is f-ing hot! 

I recommend listing to They Don't Need To Understand by Andy Black. That is the song playing at the party! It is so good as well as the one above! 

We ended up walking to the party considering it was only a few minutes from our building. Tons of people had the same idea as us for we moved along with people dressed up to party. Girls were wearing similar dresses to Amy and Macey, leaving me feeling undressed. It was a little bit after 9 meaning the party had started already but according to Macey we had to show up fashionably late. I silently thanked the weather for being nice tonight instead of cold. I really should have worn a cover up or something. I thought. My shoulders were bare making me feel slightly naked.

The only thing I was really looking forward to at this party was seeing Ethan. Maybe this was my opportunity to show him a different side of myself. It wasn't like I was going to get drunk or even drink for that matter but going to a party shows I'm going out of my comfort zone a little. Of course my thinking or wishing would probably never happen, but a girl could dream can't she.

It actually sounded nice going out to do something after a busy week. My mind was on overload this last week and I just wanted a night were I could forget about all the homework and studying I had to do back at home. It may only be the second week of school but it already felt like a month has already passed.

I could tell we were almost there for I could already hear the music. If it was any louder it would make the ground shake, it probably was once we got to the house hosting the party. I had no idea who it was or if it was some kind of fraternity party, it wasn't my place to clean up.

The only time I have ever had to clean up after a party was the one party Luke and Ethan threw at our house. Because they were both 'big shots' at school they wanted to throw a party when my parents were gone for their anniversary. Practically the entire school was there and trashed the place. Of course I was allowed to come since it was my house but that also meant I had to clean everything up afterwards. The morning after I had gotten up early and kicked out the random people passed out on the floor. I then got both hung over boys to help me clean up all the red cups, the trash, the empty alcohol bottles. With the help of Macey we got the entire place cleaned up in a few hours right not leaving a trance that there was any party. Thankfully my parents never found out, or at least that I know of. You can't really hid anything from your parents.

Within minutes we were at the house hosting the party. About 10 people stood out front of the grass, most of them already drunk from the way they were swaying. A girl was laying flat on the ground staring up at the sky. I didn't know if she was passed out, dead, or just laying there. The front lawn was already littered with empty cups.

It looked like an average house but it had to be some kind of sorority because who would want to live basically on campus.

As predicted music flew out of the open door and the ground beneath of us practically shook with the bass. I couldn't stop the feeling of wanting to turn around and go home. It already wasn't wasn't my scene.

"You ready?" Macey whispered in my ear. I looked over to her only to see Amy walking towards the door leaving us standing there. Not wanting to chicken out I nodded. Holding onto her arm we made our way inside of the house.

Immediately I was hit with music and heat. The place was packed with people making the air sticky and hot. Alcohol hit my nose making me scrunch it up; it smelt like a brewery in here. Macey kept a tight grip on my arm dragging my past people. All around me college students were dancing throwing their hands in the air, grinding on each other. Those that weren't dancing were making out against the wall or couches pushed against the wall. Of course there were the few bystanders that stood off to the side with a drink in their hand watching everyone, mostly likely what I'll be doing.

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