Chapter 28...

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I really like this cover someone made me! It is so perfect!

Song above is Bright by Echosmith. I feel like it fits this chapter pretty well :)


The next morning I woke up late and severely sore. Thankfully I had no classes today because I would have been late. I didn't even hear Macey leave this morning so I must have been really out. My body was exhausted after everything that happened yesterday and didn't feel all that bad for sleeping in.

I laid in bed for another 10 minutes contemplating if I really needed to get up today. I knew I had to get up and do something, like Gage's and I's english assignment, but I didn't want to. Sighing I forced myself to get out of my comfortable bed and try and do something today.

When I got up I let out a huge groan as my whole body ached and popped. Who knew fighting took a lot out of you, seeing Gage after a fight he didn't seem to hurt like I did. I waddled like a penguin out of my room and to the bathroom. Maybe a good warm shower would help loosen my muscles. With that in mind I went to the bathroom and started the showering on warming up.

I started on stripping out of my clothes and winced as I pulled my shirt off. My sides and back throbbed making my glance down. Right where the guy from yesterday held my waist tightly had slight bruises. You could make out that they were fingerprints because of the spacing between the bruises. I scrunched my nose up at them hating that the guy held me that tight to make bruises.

Bracing myself to see what my back looked like I slowly turned around. Looking in the mirror I let out a gasp as I saw my entire back was one huge bruise. It was a dark black and purple color, so no wonder it hurt. Apparently the guy did shove me hard into the wall a few times, I thought I would just have a small back ache but not this. I grimaced just looking at it. I wasn't going to tell anyone about it especially Macey and Gage. Both would freak on me.

Not wanting to look at my horrible back anymore I quickly finished stripping and stepped under the warm water. At first it did hurt almost like I had a sunburn but after a few minutes the feeling faded and my muscles loosened a little. The bruises were going to take a while to disappear sadly.

Not taking too long in the shower I got out about 10 minutes later feeling better than before. Maybe with a few Advil I would be fine. I made my way back to my room to change and maybe text Gage to ask if he wanted to met up and do our assignment. Sure we had until Monday to do it but might as well get it done early.

As I went over to my closet to find something my phone buzzed on top of my desk. Thinking it was Gage or maybe even my brother I quickly went over and grabbed it. I frowned as I looked at the text on the screen.

Amy: Hey. Do you want to met up in 20 minutes at 95 Degrees?

Amy texted me. For a moment I wondered what she was talking about until I remembered her texting me yesterday asking if we could met up today. I had completely forgotten about it and to be honest I kind of didn't want to go. I didn't want to hear what she had to say.

I stared down at my phone nawing at my bottom lip trying to come up with a decision. I knew deep down that I would say yes and go. I had to hear her out and see what she wanted to say to me. As much as I wanted to just ignore the text and do something else I couldn't. With a sigh I sent her a quick text in reply.

Carter: Sure. I'll see you in twenty.

Now with only 20 minutes to get ready I set my phone down and headed back for my closet. I really had no clue what to wear but feeling a little chilly and just plain tired I opted for my maroon sweater that had little gold studs along the shoulders. If I got to hot I could just roll the sleeves up. Along with that I picked out a pair of light washed blue skinny jeans and my matching red converse. 

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