Chapter 48...

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Thank you for this lovely cover! It is so cute!! <3 <3 

Song above is....Bright by Echosmith. I feel like it fits this chapter. (Let me know what songs you have heard that reminds you of this book! I'd love to know them!) 

Happy Reading!! 

3 years later...

"Can believe it? In just two days we will officially be done here!"

"That went by too fast." I said shaking my head.

Macey and I sat in the 95 Degrees sipping our coffee's and waiting for everyone else to show up. In two days we were graduating from Columbia University. Three years has passed since Macey and I first came onto campus, fresh-eyed freshman. No clue what was going to happen but knowing it would be the start of something good.

Now here we are three years later, days away from graduating and becoming real adults. These last few years have flown by and I was actually sad to be done with school. So many great things happened here in the last 3 years that leaving felt almost like we were leaving it all behind. I was excited to start something new though.

"We are going to the beach house for graduation right?" Macey asked, sipping her coffee.

"Yeah. We will leave the day after graduation because lets face it no one is going to want to drive all the way there."

"We haven't been there in so long! It will be fun."

Just then the ring of the door opening to the cafe made our heads snap towards it. In walked my boyfriend, my brother, Ethan and Dylan. Waving at them from our corner booth they made their way towards us. When they reached us Luke immediately went right to his girlfriend, kissing her deeply.

My own boyfriend came up, grabbing my chin gently and tipping my head back so he could kiss my lips. When he pulled away I grinned up at him.

"Hello to you too."

"Hey." He pulled out the chair next to me and sat down, his hand immediately grabbing my thigh. "How was your last class?"

Gage, Luke, and Ethan already graduated last year but came onto campus to meet us for lunch and what not occasionally. They all have been busy though with their new jobs so all of us getting together was nice.

Three years of dating Gage Harper has been the best three years of my life. Yes we have fought...a lot but we always made up and that just made our relationship stronger. I for one didn't think we would last this long and I think Gage thought the same thing. Somehow though we are still together and better than ever.

"It was killer but I think I passed." I grinned over at him. My hand found his on my thigh and squeezed it. I was somewhat confident that I passed my final classes but there was always that little fear that I didn't and I wouldn't be able to graduate.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Not bad. Busy but I don't mind." Gage smiled at me.

When Gage told me that he decided to work with Ethan at his family company I was shocked. I never really saw Gage as the CEO type but this is what he wanted to do. He had gone back and forth about doing it but after a while he said it just felt right.

So this past year he has been 'interning' at G&G, learning the ropes and everything. Because he didn't know much about business or the company it was going to take a little bit to learn how to do everything. However he has caught on quickly and I know in a years time he will be at Ethan's level. I think the reason was because he wanted to feel like was apart of something and being around his half brother made him feel more involved.

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