Chapter 7: Fights

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When the dismissal bell rang, everyone was pushing and shoving to get out the back door to head to the student parking lot. I got shoved about five times until someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the crowd. I winced, but when I came face to face with Caleb I was relieved. "Why is everyone suddenly using the back entrance?" I say, annoyed.

Normally people use the side exits of the building and just walk to the parking lot if they drive. If you don't drive they leave out the front. But today it seems like everyone decided to go out the back way. I only came out the back way today because Lindsay forced me to go out to get icecream afterschool and I needed to meet her at her car.

Caleb shrugged as he grabbed my forearm, and started shoving people out of the way so we could get through. When we made it out the doors, I could hear the words "Fight! Fight! Fight!" being shouted from the other end of the parking lot. I got on my tippy toes, to look over the cars that were parked to see an enormous crowd.

"What the hell? Who's fighting?" Caleb said his eyes widening as he looked to me. Next thing I know, Caleb was running to the crowd leaving me behind.

I started wondering where Austin, Brett, and Dean were and that's when I took off running to the crowd also. Just in case one of my friends were being pummeled to death.

I shoved and pushed my way through people, earning a few glares until they realized it was just me and let me go through. I accidently knocked someone's phone out of their hands, and muttered a sorry before continuing. Everyone's screams and laughter was all I could hear. When I pushed my way to the front I knew exactly who was fighting.

Grayson and Gavin.

Caleb had just reached the front of the crowd when I got there, and immediatly he jumped in and tried to pull them off eachother. Nobody else tried to help Caleb and that's when I decided that I couldn't just stand and watch Caleb struggle with trying to seperate two pissed off guys from beating the shit out of eachother.

I dropped my bag, and was about to step in but Caleb had finally got Grayson and yanked him back, seperating the fight.

I ran over to Grayson, to calm him down... but before he could notice my presence he pushed Caleb off and went after Gavin who was wiping blood from his nose. I watched in horror as his fist came in contact with Gavin's face once again.

I shuddered, it reminded me way too much of when Tim would do that to me. It made me feel a little bit of sympathy for Gavin. Even though he was a giant asshole. I closed my eyes for a second to stop thinking about my beatings from Tim.

"Stop fucking fighting already." I heard Caleb shout. I opened my eyes to see Caleb intervening again. Gavin's fist hit Caleb in the face, making him stagger back. In that moment, I swear all I saw was red.

He did not just touch Caleb. I kicked my bag out of the way and got into the fight. I've swung back at Tim - like once or twice - and the times I did I know I left a mark because the next day his cheek would be swollen and bruised, so I know my punches hurt.

I grabbed the back of Gavin's shirt, pulling him back as far as I could away from Grayson and Caleb. I pushed him onto the ground and jumped on top of him punching him.

"Alexis, enough!" Caleb's voice screamed as I punched Gavin over and over again.

It's one thing for me to take a punch from Tim, but to watch Gavin hit Caleb.. one of my best friends just doesn't cut it for me.

If it meant protecting my friends, I'd take a beating for the rest of my sad, pathetic life. 

Gavin had his arms up in front of his face trying his best to block my punches. Just as I was about to throw another one at him, arms were wrapped around me and I was pulled off him. I looked back to see Brett who looked pissed off. I turned away from him to see Gavin stand up, and throw his fist - not knowing that I was standing there (I hope) - and hit me in the face.

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