Chapter 12: basketball game.

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I decided to stay after school today and watch another basketball game because I had nothing better to do on my spare time. As soon as the bell rang, I made my way toward the gymnasium. When I walked in there was already a small group of people on the bleachers. I went up the bleachers and headed to the group.

I walked passed them and sat down a couple feet away. The basketball court was empty but the cheerleaders were already stretching on the sidelines. The game didn't start for another twenty minutes so I had enough time to start my homework. I pulled my textbook out of my bag and opened up to the correct page.

"Hey." I heard Dean's voice say. I looked up and smiled at him. Dean took a seat beside me, and looked over my shoulder at my work. "Homework? Ew."

I laughed as I continued doing it. "It's no so bad, it keeps me busy."

"Interesting." Dean smirked at me, and snatched my pen out of my hand before tossing it down the bleachers. I gasped and hit him in the head.

"That was rude." I scowled at him. Dean chuckled and put his hand in his pocket, he pulled out his phone and dialed Austin's numher. "Where is Austin?"

Dean put his finger up and told me to shutup as he answered. "Bro where you at? I'm here already. Yeah. Alexis is here. Whatever. Just hurry up before the game starts."

When he hung up his phone, I waited and finally spoke, "So Austin's coming?"

Dean nodded, "Yeah. We didn't have to workout in the weight room after school today so we just decided to come watch the game. Our team sucks so we might as well be entertained."

Our basketball team really did suck, we haven't won a single game this year. Honestly, I don't think we ever will. Coach Williams allows anyone on the team even if you can't play because nobody really ever signs up to play basketball. It's all about the other sports in this school. You would think basketball would be important to this school but it just wasn't. I never understood why though.

"Oh yeah you'll be entertained all right." I chuckled, agreeing with him. "It's so embarrasing to watch sometimes."

"What is?" Austin says as he sits on the other side of me.

"Our school lose that's what." Dean pipes up as he points to our basketball that was warming up.

"Lars told me today that they believe they'll win for once, I'm actually kind of ready to mock them when they lose, you guys down for that?" Austin smirks.

I stared at Austin, and smirked right back before looking over at Dean who was nodding. "Hell fucking yes! Lars is a little bitch! If he actually thinks they'll pull through and win then they've got a big storm comin' " Dean nearly shouts as he caused people to look at us questionably.

"Keep your voice down dimwit." I said to him jokingly. I didn't actually care how loud the two of them talked, it wasn't a big deal to me.

"Can we please talk about that cut on your head, it looks crazy." Austin whines as he points to the cut that I thought wasn't as noticable when in fact it was.

The other day after school when Grayson and Gabe gave me a ride home they even mentioned how they could see it from a mile away. Of course I knew they were just trying to be funny. I still think that it is awfully noticable because everywhere I go someone just has to mention it.

"Can we please just talk about how badly you're failing your classes." I retorted sarcastically.

Dean laughs at Austin knowing goddamn well how bad Austin's grades are. "His grade point average is literally like a zero point seven, can you believe that? He's a fucking idiot."

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