Chapter 36: sounds about....over?

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I shook my head continuously trying to break free from his grip. I don't want to finish talking, I don't want this conversation to keep going – honestly, I wish it never happened.

      I can't comprehend why I ever actually thought he would like me back. Why would I ever be delusional enough to think that way? He only treats me the way he does because we're friends. That's the only damn reason.

       We were never going to be more than friends. It was platonic. I had a crush on him and I needed it to stop right now. Out of all people, why did I need to feel something for him? I've just destroyed our entire friendship. I continued to get away from him but he wouldn't let go. "I need to go Grayson." I told him, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "Can we finish talking?" He asked, letting go of my wrist and stepping closer to me, his jaw clenched.

  I shook my head, backing away from him and toward the steps to the house. "We can talk another day."

Before he could even reply I heard the screeching of tires and then Carrie getting out of her car, a scowl on her face as she pranced over to me, a finger pointing at my face. I sighed, dropping my other hand from my suitcase. "Where were you?"

"Walking." I answered her. I watched as her glare intensified when she looked over at Grayson. "Don't look at him that way, they are the ones who brought me back here." I told her, rudely, not giving a shit.

"Let's go." She spat out. "I don't know what I'm expected to do with you, like seriously." She groaned, spewing a bunch of shit out of her mouth as she got into the drivers seat of the car.

  I stared at her as she popped the trunk and got in the car, waiting for me to go along with her. I glanced to my right to see Grayson staring at me. I gave him an awkward smile and looked down. "I'll see you whenever." I muttered, and walking to the car. Tossing my things in the back I slammed the trunk door shut and looked across the street at Vincent, Hunter, Christian, and Gabe.

  Before Carrie could say no, I ran across the street and lunged myself onto Gabriel, giving him a tight hug. "I'm sorry for being a bitch." I mumble, looking up at him as he laughed.

He nods his head, hugging me back for a mere second and pulled away. "It's fine. Just do what is right this time, please?"

"I promise." I told him, sticking up my pinky – we latched pinkys and I gave him one last hug before hugging Christian, Hunter and Vincent as well.

   Part of me feels bad for not wanting to give Grayson a hug but I'm already embarrassed enough as is. I couldn't allow myself to hug him and let my body react to it the way I know it will.  I walked across the street slowly, and headed around the back of it to see Grayson standing there glaring at me hardcore.

  "Really?" He said.


   "You know exactly what... you know what... whatever Alexis." He rolled his eyes, shoving past me. I watched him as he got into the car slamming the door shut. I left after that, got into the passenger seat of Carrie's car.

   She turned the car around, where I ended up being able to see Grayson sitting in the backseat of Vincent's car on his phone.

  "Alexis, honestly what is wrong with you? Kimberly and Marcus are good people. That foster hone was a good fit for you." Carrie sighed, stopping at a red light. I kept silent as she lectured me. "I get you want to go home, but what can I do? All I'm here doing is trying to help you but you're not taking my help."

"How exactly are you helping me?" I groaned, rolling my eyes. This isn't help; this is torture.

"By giving you a safe place to be at until your adoption falls through." Carrie answered.

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