Chapter 13

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"Hullo, Captain Martinez? Dr. Patel here. Private Lang has come 'round, and he wants to speak to you. I wouldn't normally give my permission this soon, but he won't settle until he has a quick word. I mean quick, a minute or two only ‒ any questions will have to wait until he is stronger. Agreed?"

"Of course, doctor." Martinez was only too eager to hear from Max Lang. "I'll just put him on audio so everyone can hear." Martinez stood up and walked towards Major Fontaine, reprogramming his wristcom as he went.

Robin Lang was getting the same message from Dr Patel. Max was awake, he was going to be all right! The relief was overwhelming. He sat there, trying to absorb the news, feeling an urge to drop everything and go straight to Max's side, but he had to wait a little longer. He knew Max was about to tell Captain Martinez the truth of what had happened to him. In a few minutes Alan would be taken away and it would all be over.

"Max Lang here, sir," Max's voice sounded slightly slurred, as if he was having difficulty getting the words out. "Two men attacked me in the S‒Sahara. Lieutenant Stewart came in ‒" there was an agonising pause as Max cleared his throat. "He stopped them, stopped them from raping me. Did you hear that?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes, Private Lang, you were very clear, I'll come and see you as soon as Dr. Patel gives his permission and you can give me all the details." Martinez reassured him.

At first, the sense of what Max was saying didn't sink in. Robin Lang was so glad to hear his voice he didn't pay much attention to the actual words. After all, he was certain of what Max was going to say.

But then the meaning of what Max was saying penetrated. Alan hadn't attacked him. Alan had gone to help him. No! It couldn't be true. Max was confused. He didn't know what he was saying. Alan was guilty! He knew it with every fibre of his being. He replayed the message on his wristcom, thinking that maybe he had misheard. But the words were the same the second time around.

And Max didn't sound confused.

Lang continued to sit there as if turned to stone, his face a blank mask, hiding the emotions churning inside. Horror and denial fought a violent battle, almost depriving him of breath.

Alan was innocent. He had destroyed their friendship for nothing, accused him of a vile deed, blamed him for a crime he had never committed. Why had he been so convinced Alan was guilty? What had driven him? He felt physically sick. He felt as if everyone in the room must be staring at him, criticising him for being so wrong.

It was too much, he just couldn't cope with it all right now, he had to get away.

Eventually he got to his feet, ignoring the conversations going on around him and walked up to Alan.


It was totally inadequate, but it was all he could manage, and even that simple word had taken all his willpower to get out. He spoke to the air over Alan's right shoulder. He couldn't look him in the face yet. He turned immediately to Major Fontaine, not waiting for a response. "Excuse me, sir, but I'm going to Max. Please call me on my wristcom if you need me for anything else." He left as fast as he could.


Fontaine and Martinez scarcely noticed his departure. "Obviously I'll be talking to Private Lang again and getting more information, but I'm dropping the charges against Lieutenant Stewart, sir," Captain Martinez advised the Major. "I think the statement from Lang is sufficient for that."

Fontaine nodded. "I agree. You're cleared and free to go, Lieutenant Stewart."

Martinez turned rather self-consciously towards Stewart. "I'd appreciate it if you could see me later today to make a statement, Lieutenant. I'd like whatever information you can give me about the two assailants."

Stewart gave him a wry grimace. He'd given him the information already, but Martinez hadn't paid sufficient attention the first time. He thought he'd been lying. "Of course, Captain."

"And I'll need a statement from you too, Medic," Martinez addressed Banner.

Although vastly relieved on Alan's behalf, Banner didn't know whether to be grateful for the timing of the interruption or not. He had geared himself up to confess his sexuality and now he felt rather as if he had been left hanging in mid-air. He wondered if Captain Almeida had guessed what he was going to say in any case. He looked towards him, but Almeida spoke first.

"You two can go with Captain Martinez now, if you like. Get those statements made and then I'll see you back on the Qatar. Let me know if it's going to take more than a couple of hours."

"Yes, sir."

Was Almeida going to dismiss him or not? He couldn't tell from his expression. Banner decided his only option at present was to take it one step at a time and try not to second guess anything.

"I really need some fresh air. I'll meet you at the station in about half an hour," Stewart told Martinez. "I want to walk." Banner followed him out of the building without asking and the two men walked side by side in silence for a while.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue," the Lieutenant said finally. "I'm really sorry you had to get dragged into this mess."

"It wasn't your fault," Banner reassured him.

"I just can't understand what's got into Robin!" Stewart burst out incredulously. "Why he could believe for even a second that I would do that to Max? And then attacking you like he did! It's so unlike him, it just doesn't make sense!"

"Ah, well, I can think of one thing that might explain it," Banner offered hesitantly. Had Alan really no idea?

Stewart stopped and stared at him. "What?"

"He's attracted to you, sexually I mean."

Stewart's mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"Robin? Attracted to me? But he's not an om, he's straight."

"Is he? I don't think so. It's the only thing that makes sense," Banner insisted.

"But if that was the case, why wouldn't he just tell me?" Stewart asked in bewilderment, still convinced Banner was mistaken.

"Are you kidding? That man is in major denial. He hasn't even admitted it to himself yet, let alone be ready to give his feelings any sort of validity by approaching you. That's why he's so angry with you. Consciously or unconsciously, he blames you for making him feel that way."

"I can't believe it!" The Lieutenant was still incredulous.

"You're the corruptor. In his mind, you've become responsible for his guilty feelings. And then the club was the last straw for him. He sees someone he genuinely thinks is you go off with Max. His worst fears are, apparently, proven true. First you corrupt him, then his son. No wonder he lost it!"

"Oh my god!" Stewart was struggling to come to terms with what Banner was telling him, but it was all starting to sound dreadfully believable. And if it was true, he didn't think he would ever be able to forgive Robin.

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