Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

"If we go into one of those booths to talk, will you promise me you won't take advantage?" Banner paused, then laughed as soon as he realised what he'd said. "God that sounded so like a cheap romance didn't it? I didn't mean that, I meant take advantage of my situation, not me personally." 

Stewart couldn't help it. Instantly he thought of Banner bent over the table in one of those little booths in front of him ... It was all he could do to keep his breathing steady. He leant towards him as close as he could, speaking in a low, urgent voice. "You wouldn't believe how much I'd like to take advantage of you, in every possible way." He tried to get himself under control as Banner drew back. "But I won't. I give you my word you'll be safe, I won't do anything you don't want me to. If you just want to talk, then that's what we'll do." 

Banner studied him for a long moment. It was hard to read his expression behind the scarf but then he nodded and stood up. He led the way to an empty booth, catching a waiter on the way to order two more ales to be brought to them. Stewart followed. There were large cushions in the booth instead of chairs. He sat down with his back to the wall, deliberately allowing Banner to sit where he could easily leave if he wanted to. They waited silently for a minute until the waiter came with their drinks, then Banner turned to draw the heavy curtain shut behind them. Both men took off their scarves. 

"Speaking hypothetically again," Banner continued as if there had been no break, "If I told you I was an om, would you feel obliged to report me to the Captain or Johansson, the Chief Medic?" 

"No." Stewart didn't hesitate. 

"Even though you would be officially required to report me?"  

Stewart was puzzled, Banner didn't seem as happy with his answer as he had expected. Instead he looked tense. 

"No," he repeated. "I think it's discriminatory. It's nobody else's business but yours." 

Banner was silent, turning his glass between his hands, obviously building up to something. Stewart had a flash of intuition that he wouldn't like what Banner was about to say.  

"What would expect in return?" The other man asked, holding his gaze, his body motionless. 

Stewart didn't understand. "I'm sorry?" 

"What would you expect in return for not reporting me?" 

The Lieutenant went white as he realised what the other man meant. "Nothing! I expect nothing!" He was starting to get angry, just what sort of a bastard did Banner think he was? 

Banner hadn't finished speaking, his grey eyes serious. "The last man who found out, demanded sex from me, it didn't matter to him whether I wanted to or not." 

Stewart felt sick. "But that's blackmail. Rape even." 

"Yes. Well it was certainly blackmail but I'm not sure it was technically rape, I mean I suppose could have said "no" and taken the risk of exposure. I was careless one time, coming back from a bar and he saw me. Gave me an ultimatum, have sex with him or he might feel obliged to do his 'duty' and report me. It was all very civilised, nothing as ugly as threats, but I think that made it worse in a way. He didn't consider he was doing anything wrong, from his point of view I owed him." He took a sip of ale and looked down at the table. 

"I suppose I should have said no," he repeated as if he was still arguing with himself, "but I was frightened of losing my position, I've wanted to be a medic ever since I can remember. I transferred to another ship as soon as I could but it took two months. I couldn't apply under Rule 158 so I just had to use the normal channels." 

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