Chapter Seven

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I sat impatiently on the chair at the police station waiting to get discharged. I had been here for half an hour and I was sure as hell annoyed. I mean I didn't kill someone, I didn't even touch nobody. The only reason why I'm here is because I went to the supermarket to buy a bag of marshmallows and on the several signs around the package it said two dollars but the guy at the counter said it cost twenty dollars.

You could say we had a dispute. I mean if the marshmallows were made from some special ingredient from France and someone special like the queen had touched it, fine. But it was normal plain cheap marshmallows. At first I thought the cashier guy was new and didn't know what he was doing but that changed when he didn't back down and kept saying in a blunt tone, it's twenty dollars. My view of him changed to being a total douche bag when he ticked me off by saying, "You should lay off the marshmallows anyway, it's not doing you any good".

I mean how rude. I have to admit, the supermarket is really doing great in the customer service section. And to justify myself, I go running every night and thought I deserved a treat.

"What's your name and how old are you?" The officer asked rather annoyed as he sat next to me with a clipboard and pen. Now he looked like he had a rough day. 

I searched my brain for an answer. No I didn't forget my name or age, I just wanted to have some fun.

With a heavy French accent I put on an act, "My name is Cécile Chapelle and I am thirty years old from Alaska" I finished with a smile.

He stopped writing when he heard me say that I'm thirty. I know I could've made it more realistic but the poor guy was going to write down everything.

He gave me a pointed look. "You're not thirty".

I pretended to look offended. "Yes I am. Although I am very flattered, most people say I don't look my age" I put my hand to the side of my mouth as a whispering gesture, "but between you and me, I have to give credit to all the Botox and plastic surgery, it really did me wonders" I finished with a laugh.

"Your age and name" He asked not looking impressed.

Damn, I thought my accent was really good.

I rolled my eyes finally dropping the act and the accent. "I'm Avery Blue and I'm eighteen years old"

He studied me for a second and then I really was offended.

"You don't believe me? Here I'll show you my ID" I padded my pockets, "Oh wait you took my bag away for committing a crime I didn't even commit. I mean who the hell pays twenty dollars for marshmallows? You'd be an idiot to do that. I may have raised my tone and swore a bit, but that was to myself and he was the one that called me fat! You should be arresting him for.." I searched for the right word "...insulting a women" I finished my rant crossing my arms over my chest.

He ignored my previous comment and continued. "Where do you live?"

Well that was rude. Never ever ignore a girl's rant. Unless you have a death wish with her of course.

"With my parents" I simply replied.

"Were do your parents live?" he asked slightly annoyed.

"With me" I replied.

"Where do you all live?" He asked getting more angrier every minute.

"Next door to my neighbours" I said amused by this situation.

"Where do your neighbours live?" He asked starting to raise his voice.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" I replied.

"JUST TELL ME" he shouted, most people looked at us.

"Next door to me" I replied trying not to laugh at his expression.

"I'll take it from here" said an amused officer. I scanned over his appearance noticing his handsome features and well-built body. Now when I watched the shows with the hot police officers I knew that was never true in reality, but he looked like one of those officers.

"You are discharged" He flashed me a smile and handed my bag over to me.

I smiled thankful. "Finally, someone with a brain around here" I slightly raised my voice and stared directly at the man who was previously questioning me.

It seemed as though he didn't give a damn and rolled his eyes, walking off.

I laid my eyes back on the officer who was holding something. He threw it to me and thankfully I caught it, otherwise that would've been very embarrassing. I looked in my hands to find the packet of marshmallows.

I instantly smiled hugging the marshmallows to my chest. "Thank you soooo much-" I stopped giving him a sceptical look. "Wait, you're not expecting me to pay for this right?" I asked.

He shook his head at me amused. "No keep it, it's the least we could do"

He started walked away but I quickly spoke out. "Hey what happened to him?"

I was hoping he knew that I was talking about the cashier guy.

He turned back, "You know what happened to him" he simply replied before walking away.

I was slightly confused, trying to piece together what would've happened to him. I mean there's only one thing that could've happened to him.

"He got fired" He finished not bothering to turn around and my eyes lingered on his retreating figure.

I'd like to say I felt bad but he kinda deserved it.


Sorry this chapter was short promise to do a longer one next chapter.

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