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This is not a chapter.

I'm sorry if I got your hopes up :(

I'm still deciding whether to write possibly an epilogue just to clear things up for you guys.

I wrote this a/n because I want to address three things, Firstly to explain why I've decided to finish my book off like this, to outline some of the comments my lovely readers are saying (I'm saying that in a sarcastic tone), and to address the possible future of me writing more for this book.

Firstly, I want the chance to tell my side before you all slam me with the hate I'm receiving every five minutes. Now you can read this and either take it in or ignore it but at least I'll have the opportunity to have a voice in this. Now I know it's annoying and frustrating to end on a cliffhanger but it has come to my attention that this book was supposed to finish ages ago. The plot was supposed to finish about thirty chapters ago. Yet I was so caught up in the moment that I added heaps of twists and turns and I have received a lot of criticism for adding all of these twists. So basically if I keep writing and adding more twists I'm going to get a lot of hate for doing that yet I finish off my book now and I receive a lot of hate. You can see that I can't win either way.

I'm not trying to be rude but it is my book. And my ideas and my plot. I decided to write it so I should get the choice of deciding when to finish it. And none of you have the right to make me feel so crappy about myself for making a decision like that because it's not a nice feeling for something so little.

Secondly, I am really getting sad with some of the comments. Some are saying that I'm lazy and others are saying that reading my book was a waste of time. I'm going to start with the lazy. Some of you don't actually realise how much time and effort it takes to write. I stay up until really late at night, taking my sleeping time just to update for you guys. And if it was that simple like it takes me 5 minutes to write a chapter then everyone should be able to do it. I'm begging you, try writing a book, it's not that easy. Especially if people write all of these hate comments on it. Lastly about the reading my book was a waste of time. I'm pretty happy with that outcome. Because when people write those hate comments it means that they're not a true supporter. So this has shown me who is and they have said that they have stopped reading my books. I only want true readers that support me all of the way.

So if you are one of those readers writing comments like that, please leave, the door is honestly right there. I want you to take your selfish attitude and rude comments and take it somewhere else because I don't even want your read if that's what I have to deal with. 

Now I know that there are plenty of readers who are supportive and loving and have actually been a true supporter from day dot. And I thank you for that. Honestly, you are the reason that I continue to write everyday and I am so grateful to have yous.  I dedicate this book to y'all who have miraculously stayed with me through the terrible spelling and grammar, the horrible comebacks and the annoying twists and turns, it's a miracle that your still here.

This brings me to my third point of possibly writing more chapters. 

I have taken your desperate pleas to finish the book under consideration and I am leaning towards writing more, I just need a little bit more time to think about how I'm going to do this. Although I am definitely 100% not writing a sequel. If I decide to write more, it will be a few more chapters.

Okay, that's all from me and thank you for reading this long ass note because I know it's excruciating to read something you don't particularly want to read.

Thank you lovelies xx

- Ashley.

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