Chapter Forty-eight

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Thank you so much @Kewijustkewei for this amazing cover, I love it. Make sure you check out her books as well.

Anyway Enjoy!


I stopped at the room with the number 408 on it as I took in a deep breath. Starting at a new school is never easy. Being known as the new girl. One wrong move and your known as the idiot of the school.

First impressions matter.

I swallowed my pride and knocked on the door before opening it with a smile.

Yet it immediately dropped when I noticed the annoying guy was one of the students, still smirking.

"Yes?" The teacher asked raising a brow at the sudden interruption.

I gave her the slip. "I'm Avery"

She scanned over the letter and nodded. "Take a seat, next time you come late there will be a detention slip" she warned me.

I nodded stiffly before making a move to find a seat. However the only spot left was next to the annoying guy. If I had to spend another minute with that guy I know I won't survive.

"There's no more seats" I lied ignoring the annoying guys smirk.

"Yes there's one right there" the teacher pointed to the seat next to the annoying guy.

"I think you need to get your eyes checked" the annoying guy spoke receiving some burns and oh's.

I ignored his comment and turned to the teacher with an innocent look, "I'm sorry but I'm allergic" 

"Allergic to what?" The teacher asked confused.

"To an arrogant, self-obsessed, jerk that has major mental issues-" I then look at the annoying guy. "- No seriously you should get your head checked, having no brain is an issue" I smiled sweetly at him.

The students laughed, trying not to giggle at his reaction.

"Sit down" the teacher glared at me.

I made my way to the seat and made eye contact with him. He just smirked at me.

What's with him and smirking?


The period bell went and it was lunchtime.

I sat down with Lara and Chantelle and waited for the rest to show up.

Three boys sat down in front of us. One of them I noticed was the annoying guy.

"It's you" I groaned in disappointment.

"It's so good to see you too" he smiled at me.

"Have you guys met before?" Chantelle asked.

"Yes, we seem to get along quite well. Isn't that right Avery?" The annoying guy asked me.

"More like enemies" I laughed sarcastically.

"Anyway Avery this is Duncan. My friend that is a boy" Chantelle introduced.

Oh so that's Chantelle's boyfriend.

I exchanged glances with Laura and laughed under my breath.

Duncan gave Chantelle a curious glance before returning back to his normal smirk.


The day was finally over as we retreated back to the car. I couldn't help but feel a bit unsure of Duncan. 

"Don't you get  an odd feeling about Duncan?" I asked out of the blue.

"No?" Chantelle replied confused.

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