Chapter Seventeen

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Next stop: school.

I arrived at school and wondered who to do first, Chace or Lacy.

Overall I decided to do Chase first. I grabbed the camera and brought it with me.

The information that I gathered was that he's the captain for the football team and it means the world to him. I mean he has never in his life missed a football session. Probably because his dad is so pushy, so I'm guessing football is a soft spot.

I knew it was wrong to mess with his football but what he did to Isabelle and what he's going to continue doing needs to stop. He needs to realise what he's done because the reality is he's going to keep hurting girls.

I went to the stadium and went to the office. Like I thought no one was in the office, the staff here would be in the staff room for lunch and the coach and players would be practicing on the oval. I opened a few drawers and grabbed the role for football and read it. It had all of the football players names on it, I decided to change all of the names to inappropriate words but I left Chase's name the same and signed Chases signature at the bottom. The only reason I knew his signature was because I found a piece of paper with his signature on it and tried copying it. It looked pretty similar so I was happy with it.

I then put a small camera hidden in the office to watch the scene and drove back to Isa's house in record speed. I reckon I broke all of the road rules driving here just to make it on time.

Her mum opened the door with a sad expression. "Hello Avery, I'm sorry but Isa said no visitors"

"Don't worry I got something to cheer her up" I replied with a pleading look.

She contemplated it before letting me through.

I thanked her and went to Isa's room. I knocked on her door before opening it and noticing she laid on her bed listening to music. Too much of her dismay I plugged the usb into her computer and the screen of the office popped up.

Isa gave me a confused glance and I gave her the wait look.

Soon later there was yelling in the camera and then Chase and the football coach came into view.

"I told you I didn't do it" Chase replied in a furious tone.

"Who else did it? it has your signature" The coach boomed back

"What?" Chase said and looked at the bottom of the paper to see his signature "That wasn't me!".

"Sure it wasn't, I'm going to suspend you from football training and games for 5 months and-" coach started but Chase interrupted him.

"No please you can't do this. My dad will kill me, and what do I do in the meantime?" he pleaded.

Well this was a sight to see. Chase on his knees and begging.

"Well I'm going to put you on drink bottle duty, handing water to the players when they need it. I'm done with your excuses" Coach said in a warning tone.

I already love this coach, and Chase he looked like he was about to cry.

I looked to my right and saw Isa with a bright smile on her face.

"Damn you got him good" Isa said in a cheery tone.

"Part one done" I checked off my checklist.

"What do you mean?" Isa asked slightly frowning.

"Part one of my revenge plan is done, time for part two" I replied not backing down.

"Don't you think that's enough?" Isa said worry passing her eyes.

"Wake up will you, Chase just used you and dumped you, not to mention he humiliated you in front of the whole school, don't you think it's time to teach him a lesson? Plus think about the other girls he's hurt" I said.

Isabelle hesitated "Well yeah"

"Good, because I need your help for part two, are you in or not?" I asked.

"I'm in" Isabelle finally agreed.


Instead of eating my lunch I decided to watch Chase be humiliated.

I made my way to the oval and saw Chase in his bright yellow outfit with a tray attached to the front with bottles on it. They decided to go with yellow because it stands out and any player that needs a drink can easily spot where they are. He was murderously glaring at everyone especially as he handed out drinks to the players. I got out my phone and got the right angle and lighting taking a photo and sending it to my fellow classmates. Oops I think I accidently sent it to everyone. Soon later a pile of people piled around Chase to see him in his outfit.

"Smile Chase" I yelled out as people around him laughed and took photos.

Chase looked my way and started cursing as soon as he saw the people and that's when he saw me, and pointed at me. "You did this" whilst walking towards me.

"Did what?" I asked innocently.

"You set me up because of your stupid friend" he aggressively replied.

"It's called revenge and don't you dare call her stupid" I warned him, he was getting dangerously close to being punched.

I knew what was coming when he started smirking.

"Your stupid slutty friend who stupidly fell in love with me-" Chase started but before he could finish his sentence my fist collided with his face and he went flying to the ground.

Chase started groaning from the punch I gave him.

"Don't you ever call her stupid or slutty" I spat and walked away.

No matter what I did, Chase never seemed to learn his lesson.

I returned my gaze to the familier girl strutting down the hallway. 

I stepped right in front of Lacy as she halted and flicked her hair and rolled her eyes.

"Why did you do it?" I said.

"Did what?" She asked smiling proudly.

"Stop playing innocent and tell me why did you do that to Isabelle" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh that girl, I was actually saving her, because Chase would've kept playing her" Lacy said.

"Bullshit you slept with Chase after you found out she's his girlfriend, and then you and Chase decided to humiliate her in front of everyone" I said.

She took a step towards me and lowered her voice. "Like I said before, what I want is mine, and I wanted Chase before you came, so keep your slutty hands off him" 

As she moved to walk straight past me I stuck out my foot in front of her and Lacy tripped over my foot and fell over.

"What the fuck was that for?" Lacy yelled.

"Like you said before, saving you from getting hurt even more" I smirked and walked away.

Well it's true, I could have punched her.

Next stop Isa's house.

"I need a lot of copies of this" I said quickly sending the picture of Chase to her.

She hesitated but I quickly interfered "Do it for me" I pleaded. She knew exactly what I was talking about. Of course she needed this but I also needed it too, no one can forget the person who tortured you throughout high school.

"Fine" she agreed.

I arrived at school with the copies of Chase in my hand.

I handed out various piled to other students and gave then five dollars to put it all around the school and smiled at my work when students snickered at the posters.

Tomorrow Chase is gonna be the laughing stock.

Now that I can't wait for.

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