Chapter 12 - Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here

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Lily crossed the street and headed into the park, which would cut almost ten blocks off her route. She had traveled this very path many times before, whenever her parents couldn't leave work to pick her up, or when she just wanted to spend time with her father at his office. For some reason, she was apprehensive about it this evening. She had a nagging feeling that she should turn back, but she ignored it, for the sake of her aching feet.

She had just passed the statue in the middle of the park when she heard an odd clicking noise. She stopped and listened for a moment, but nothing happened. She chocked it up to her tired mind playing tricks on her and kept going.

Then, she heard it again.

Lily quickened her pace, looking back occasionally. Even if the noise was nothing, she would feel better once she was out of the park. It was then that she realized the park was eerily empty. It was nearing five o'clock, the sun wouldn't be setting for another hour, so where were the old men playing chess? Even when no one else was around there were usually at least one or two games going on.

The sound came again, startling her. It was louder this time. Closer. Her mind conjured thoughts of teenage girls in horror movies being stalked by axe murderers.

But that was absurd. There was nothing unsafe about Ashland, nothing to be afraid of. She was being paranoid. Psyching herself out. It was all in her head.

Nothing bad ever happens here, she told herself.

The clicking sound returned, speeding her heartbeat. Her breathing quivered, as fear swept over her. She whirled around, searching for the source of the sound, positive that it was not some harmless squirrel or a trick of the wind.

The world around her grew darker much to quickly to be natural. The sky turned black and shadows reigned over everything. The solar powered lampposts flickered to life, showing her the path to freedom.

The sound, like the clicking of a tongue to beckon a dog, echoed in the darkness.

A loud pop made her jump. She let out a small cry as the lamppost nearest her became extinguished. Her surroundings grew a little bit darker. The bulb had blown, she realized. She wondered if fear and paranoia caused that. It wouldn't be the first time.

Suddenly, the lampposts started dying, one by one, until there was only one remaining. Without the rest, the path was too dark to see, so she took out her phone use its flashlight.

She mustered her courage and forced herself to start walking again. She couldn't just stand there and hope she'd be okay.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a slight movement. She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned her head to see the silhouette of a person among the trees.

"Jack?" she asked. The height was right and the build was similar but something told her this was not him.

Her fear grew stronger as terrible images invaded her mind. Scenes exactly like this. Girls being followed, being taken. Magic, and witches, and blood. Eyes as black as her surroundings. They were memories, but they weren't hers. They definitely weren't his, either.

Pale specters of unfamiliar girls appeared in the darkness, surrounding the man. They screamed out with hollow voices that sounded too far away.

She didn't need to hear them to know what they were saying. Everyone one of them said the same word, over and over. "Run."

Lily didn't hesitate, she dropped her bags and took off running as fast as she could. She could hear him giving chase.

She only got about fifty feet when her foot caught on some unseen thing in the dark and she abruptly fell. Her phone hit the ground. The light flickered out.

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