Chapter 24 - Happy Birthday, Lily

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The next week passed without any serious problems, for which Lily was grateful. She was getting sick of being attacked and finding out life-altering information that she should have been told long ago. She did have a few run-ins with Sebastian, but they were harmless, and they were all in public. Her biggest focus and concern that week was her upcoming birthday party.

Jacquelyn had taken it upon herself to plan Lily's sweet sixteen. She decided it should be extravagant. Like reality show soirée, one hundred white doves released as Lily entered, ice sculptures, celebrity singers, and chocolate fountains extravagant.

Lily just wanted the same costume party as always—her birthday was a week before Halloween, after all. She had an idea for a costume and an entrance that no one would soon forget.

After realizing that her mother was only trying to make amends for the guilt, she still carried over Lily's attack, Lily relented on some of her ideas. The notion of a chocolate fountain appealed to her, but she put the kibosh on the live birds first thing.

On the night of the party, Lily watched out her bedroom window as the party-goers spilled out of the ballroom onto the outdoor dance floor that had been set up around the pool. A giant glittering number 16 floated on the water. It looked odd and out of place with the billowing fog that was beginning to form on the ground. Last year they used fog machines, but this year she cast a spell to make real fog appear.

"I swear, she invited the entire high school." Lily turned away from the window to look at Dianna and Hilary. They were an odd pair. Dianna had opted for an angel costume, which was basically a flowy, white minidress, with fluffy wings that shed feathers every time she moved, and a golden halo headband. Hilary was Cleopatra, in a gold, silk dress, complete with a bobbed black wig and a cobra headdress.

"It's gonna be a great party, Lil." Hilary said, adjusting her wig in the mirror.

"Yeah," Dianna agreed. "At least everyone is in town for your birthday. My stupid birthday was in July when everyone was on vacation."

"That didn't stop you from calling everyone and demanding them send you a present." Hilary reminded her.

Dianna shrugged. "I thought it was only fair. I'd given them one. I thought that they should return the favor."

"You're such a giving person." Hilary said.

Dianna stuck her tongue out at Hilary.

Jacquelyn arrived, in her flapper dress, her hair done up in finger-waves, just as Lily was wondering where she had gone. She placed a small black jewelry box in Lily's hand.

Lily was surprised to get another present from her parents. They'd already given her a Range Rover.

When Lily said as much, Jacquelyn smiled, and said, "This is not really a gift, so much as a tradition. It's a family heirloom that's been handed down through the women in our family. Now, it's yours."

Lily lifted the lid. Inside was a antique silver locket with a starburst symbol on the front. "It's beautiful." Lily ran a finger across the cool metal. The tiny white stone set into the center of the star almost seemed to light up at her touch.

Her mother took the necklace from the box. Lily turned and looked into the mirror, lifting her hair so that Jacquelyn could fix the clasp. Jacquelyn placed her hands on Lily's shoulders and stared at their reflection in the mirror. "Take good care of it."

Lily had a strange sense that she'd seen this moment before, but the thought disappeared when there was a knock on the door. "Come in, Daddy." Lily called out.

Henry entered, dressed in a black suit, complete with cape and the vampire fangs he had made to fit over his teeth. He wore that same costume every year, so it wasn't that extravagant.

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