Chapter 26 - Girls' Night Out

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"No!" Lily snapped at Ms. Birch. "I am not spending my whole Saturday doing magic exercises."

Ms. Birch looked around, despite the fact that school ended over an hour ago, and the classroom was empty, except for the two of them and Duncan.

"Lily, this is important." Ms. Birch said.

"I get it." Lily said. "I really, really do, but no. I won't do it."

"Why not?"

"I've been neglecting my life for over a week. I haven't done anything fun since my birthday. I've barely even seen my friends."

"So, your social life is more important than your actual life. Because that is what's at stake here." Ms. Birch stood up and walked around her desk to stand right in front of Lily and looked her in the eye. "It's my job to keep you safe, but I don't know how to do that if you won't take this seriously."

"Lay off her." Duncan said. "She just needs a break."

Lily smiled at him. She was glad that he was on her side. Lately all the two of them had done when they were together was practice magic. Between Duncan, Ms. Birch, and her mother, Lily rarely got a respite from magic. It was beginning to make her hate being a witch.

Ms. Birch turned her attention from Lily to stare at Duncan. "You of all people know how awful the high warlock is. You know she needs to learn this."

"I know, but this is clearly not the way." Duncan motioned his hands toward Lily. "She's been trying nonstop for days. It's not working. I think she deserves a night off."

Ms. Birch shook her head. "Fine, if that's what you want." She sounded more disappointed than angry. took the stack of folders from her desk and went to the file cabinet at the back of the room.

Lily grabbed Duncan's hand and quickly fled from the classroom. Once they were outside, lily wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me." Duncan said.

She gave him a peck on the cheek. "I know."

"I realized while Ms. Birch was talking that I've been pushing you almost as much as she has. I'm sorry about that."

"Well, this is certainly a welcome change. What brought this on?"

"I have faith in you." Duncan said. "I know that when it matters I can count on you. And I hope you know that you can always count on me, too."

Lily stared up into his emerald eyes. "I do know that."

He smiled. "I love you so much."

"I suppose I love you, too." Lily said out of the side of her mouth.

Duncan shook his head, chuckling. She loved the sound of his laugh. He hadn't done much of it since her birthday, and the subsequent revelation about his father. He put his arms around her, pulling her closer. "Do you wanna do something tonight after the game?"

"I'd love to, but I can't. Hilary and I are staying over at Dianna's. Her parents are going out of town all weekend visiting her grandmother."

"So, is that why you didn't want to go over to Ms. Birch's tomorrow?" Duncan guessed.

Lily shrugged. "Maybe."

Lily pulled him down to her level to kiss him. Duncan moved a hand to her face. His thumb stroked her cheek. She raked her fingers through the short hair at the back of his head. He made a satisfied sound as the kiss deepened.

Lily mustered her self-control and pushed Duncan away. "This is highly inappropriate behavior for school, mister."

Duncan licked his lips before they stretched into a coy smirk. "You started it."

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