Epilogue - So Much Better

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On Christmas day, Lily's family was gathered around the Christmas tree in the formal living room. Lily and Parker had just finished opening the last of their presents. Parker kept insisting that Lily look at his new toy car, but she was preoccupied by the new phone her parents got her. She was very pleased with the gift. She'd been using one of her old phones since the night she broke hers in the park, when Mr. Ingram attacked her.

Lily felt something lightweight bounce off the side of her head and land in her lap. When she looked down she saw a balled up piece of wrapping paper. She turned her head just in time to see Parker throw another paper ball at her. It hit her right between the eyes. She glared at her baby brother, who was grinning widely, showing his teeth—four of which were missing.

"Mother," she said, through gritted teeth. Jacquelyn just shrugged Lily off with a wave of her hand. When another paper ball hit Lily's chest, she'd had enough. She picked up one of the balls and threw it back at Parker.

"Mommy, Lily hit me with this." Parker held up the paper ball. His face scrunched as his bottom lip jutted out.

"Lily! Why would you throw things at him? He's just a little boy."

Lily scoffed, her mouth hanging open in bafflement. "It's paper, for God's sake. And he threw it at me first."

"So, that makes it alright, then?" Jacquelyn asked.

Lily sighed. She knew she was never going to win this argument. "No, Mother, it doesn't." She tried to say it as genuinely as possibly, but it still came out a bit sarcastic. "I'm sorry I threw a harmless paper ball at my precious little brother. It could have put his eye out. Or, God forbid... a paper cut." She wiped at her eye, like she was wiping away a tear. She knew it was overdramatic, but she couldn't help herself. Parker had become very obnoxious since school let out for the holiday. "Heaven forfend he should endure such tragedy at such a tender age."

Jacquelyn gave her the Death Glare as snorting laughter sounded from across the room.

They all looked over to see her father holding his fist to his face trying to conceal his amusement. Jacquelyn quickly turned her glare on him. Henry finally broke down, laughing out loud.

Jacquelyn shook her head. She gave him a look of wonderment that seemed to say, "Why did I marry you?" A moment later, she smiled at him.

The doorbell rang just as things were starting to calm down. Parker had gone back to playing with his new toys. He looked up at the noise and locked eyes with Lily. He stuck his tongue out at her. She copied the motion. He opened his mouth, surely about to whine about her behavior again, just as Gran asked, "Would you get that, Lily, dear?"

Lily nodded and jumped up. She maneuvered through the wreckage of ribbons, torn paper, and discarded boxes to get free. She ran to the door, knowing even before she opened it that Duncan was on the other side. She smiled when she saw him, standing in the snow with his sweater hat and big thick coat. His nose was red from the freezing weather. He was adorable with his teeth chattering and his arms crossed over his chest. She knew he still hated the cold weather. Living in Los Angeles had not prepared him for the Connecticut winter. He had been amazed a few days ago when it finally started snowing. He loved it for the first hour. He even made a snowman with her and Parker. Then he got over the novelty and wanted to go inside. His mother wasn't dressed quite so snugly. She wore a simple overcoat, scarf, and gloves. Lily invited them inside and took their things.

After their extra layers were put away in the front closet, Duncan grabbed Lily in a tight embrace. His whole body shivered. She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back, trying to warm him up. It felt like forever before he finally let go of her.

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