Chapter 34 - Moving On

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Within a week of Veronica's funeral everything went back to normal. Or as normal as life ever got for a witch who could hear people's thoughts. All the stories about Veronica that filled the halls at school just a few short days ago were replaced by the latest gossip. It was almost as if she had never even been there in the first place. The only thing to mark her existence was a plaque on the fountain in the courtyard. Lily supposed that was just what people did. They grieve, they commemorate, and then they move on. Besides, Veronica was off on a world tour, seeing everything there was to see. Lily doubted Veronica cared what was going on in Ashland anymore.

Gran also returned that week. The moment Lily saw her anger and resentment bubbles to the surface. Lily refused to speak to Gran for almost two weeks.

Late one night, when Lily bumped into Gran In the hallway, Lily finally unleashed her feelings: "You left me. You abandoned me when I needed you most. How could you?" Lily's hand flew to her mouth when she finished. It wasn't something she meant to do, but once it was out she felt better. Lily stared with wide-eyed horror.

Gran released a breath and smiled. "It's about time."

"What?" Lily was surprised by her great-grandmother's reaction. She thought she'd be punished, but Gran was kind about it.

Gran put an arm around a very confused Lily and led her to the kitchen where Gran fixed a pot of tea. They talked well into the morning hours about everything Lily went through.

Gran held Lily's hands. "I'm so sorry I didn't return when you asked, but one of the Council members, a friend, was killed. That's why I left."

"What happened?"

"He was tracking a rogue witch. It turned out it was a whole coven who were practicing dark magic. They were too powerful for him."

"I'm sorry." Lily said, giving Gran's hand a gentle squeeze. "And I'm so sorry I was so cold when you got back. You didn't deserve that."

"Thank you, darling." Gran said. "But if I truly thought you couldn't handle it, I would've been here immediately." Gran reached over to hold Lily's face in her hand. "You have such an amazing gift. The last witch to be known as a Light Bearer was over four hundred years ago. But I'm sure you've already read all about her."

"No," Lily raked a hand through her hair, pushing it back out of her face. "Who was she?"

"It was Katherine Ross." Gran said, as if she were stating the obvious. "You did get the book left for you, right?"

"Uh-huh," Lily nodded. "But I don't remember anything about her being the Light Bearer."

Gran tilted her head and raised a brow. "You skipped the histories after the family tree, didn't you?"

"Um, maybe." Lily bit her lip and looked away from Gran's pale blue eyes that were so like her own.

Gran shook her head and clicked her tongue, making a tsk sound. "Why do you think I gave it to you?"

"I don't know." Lily shrugged. She ran her finger around the rim of her teacup, absentmindedly.

"I think you should read through Katherine's history. You might just find some of the answers that you've been looking for about your powers. It may not tell you everything that you want to know, but it's a start."

Lily thought of something just then. "How did you know that I'm a Light Bearer?"

Gran took a sip of her tea before answering. "Because I've seen you use the power of the Source."

"What is the Source?

"It's where all magic comes from. It's that golden glow that envelopes you." Gran said, with wonderment.

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