Chapter 2 revised

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Dedicated to sallasilou

Photo of Britondii Luca

Britondii Luca pov

I angled my head and peered in awe at the astronomical glass building before me. This was the Monteiro Industries. I had almost waiked then,if all went well I would be an employee at one of the worlds most successful companies.

I grinned a face ripping smile and walked into the lobby.

I entered the air conditioned monumental space and gazed around as I perambulated to the receptionists work desk which screamed costly.

"Excuse me" i interrupted the pretty blonde receptionist who had been typing away furiously at the tablet in her hands showing off her perfectly manicured nails. Absent minded my I stared down at my bitten and chappy ones. I would need to get a manicure if I got the position. I also noted how tight her low bust shirt was. So tight it looked painful.

Jesus Christ my subconscious snorted.

"How may I be of assistance miss?" She said pausing her furious tapping to look up at me.

At least she sounds professional and not --well-- not as she looks. My subconscious was too much. But still it's true.

"I have an appointment for the 11am interview for Mr Montero's personal assistant. Please tell me on which floor should I be." I requested politely.

"That would be the highest floor 21. The elevator is that way." She said pointing to it.

I thanked her and walked in the direction of the elevator. I entered the shiny insides of the lift and pressed my floor number.

The elevator dinged and stopped and I realised I had reached my destination. I stepped out of I and saw a beautiful lady around a wooden semi circular desk a few feet from the elevator.

She must be Mr monteiros secretary I said to myself. I stopped at the desk and greeted her.

"Good morning I am Britondii Luca. I am here for the 11am interview for the position of personal assistant. "

She checked on a pad where there were names and times and remarked courteously.

"Good morning dear. You are right on time. Sebastian hates tardiness so it's good that you are punctual. I'm Elaine follow me to Sebastian's office."

So I will be interviewed by the big boss himself after all. I said to myself. I didn't know whether to be nervous because of ruthless and arrogant Sebastian Monteiro was made out to be or be excited because I would be interviewed and possibly be working with one of the worlds most successful business tycoons. I thought about the experience and exposure I would get from working here and smiled and walked faster to catch up with Elaine. We stopped at the first door down the hall on the left. It was a large translucent glass door.

"Please wait here Britondii" Elaine opened the door without knocking and disappeared into the room.

As soon as went in, she came back out and told me it was my time to go into the office. She wished me luck then left to her desk.

I pushed the door and went inside the office after I took about 30 seconds to give my self a hasty mental pep talk.

When I entered and walked to the desk I saw the large body seated in to a leather swivel chair with his back turned to me. His extended hand held a small glass with brown sugar mixed with water coloured liquid and judging by the strong scent emanating from it I could tell was some kind of liquor. Was it ok to drink while at work?

I tried to speak, to announce that I had arrived  but it was if my tongue had suddenly gone paralysed, disabled. My heart pounded and throbbed and my palms were sweaty.

What happened? I had unanticipatedly gone nervous. I was literally bursting with confidence a few seconds ago but now I couldn't even assemble enough courage to tell the man I was here. Why was I feeling suddenly intimidated.? Was it the Sebastian Monteiro effect?

I watched as the man raised the glass to his lips. His back  turned to me still , looking out the window-- the view was priceless.

I almost ran out of the office in fright when his deep authoritative voice barked.

"Are you going to stand there all day and drill holes in my head or are you going to sit down? Don't waste my time woman."

Oh hold up, Mr. Arrogant. I'm nervous.

" Sorry" I squeaked,my voice shaky and trembling. I almost slammed my head down on his hard wood desk. Sorry? Really? That was all I could muster?

In a way it wasn't my fault. His voice intimidated me. Right?

He raised the glass to his lips again and spun around his large chair placing the now empty glass back on the desk.

I forgot all about my nervousness when I saw his beauty. The man was even more beautiful than on camera. Could a man be beautiful? Yes Sebastian Montero just proved that to me. He was more beautiful than a piece of art by Michelangelo with his expertly plucked eyebrows fresh grass green eyes straight nose high cheek bones and full lips. Could a mans lips be do pink ? Why were his lips so pink?

The sound of a throat being cleared pulled me from my trance like state and I could feel my face getting hot in embarrassment when Mr Monteiro smirked and pointed to one of the chairs and said " sit down miss Luca." I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. I knew I had been found out. Sebastian caught me staring at him.

I nodded awkwardly and sat down.

I put the manilla envelope I brought with me on the desk.

"Here is my resume Mr Monteiro " I choked out as he smirked at me and opened it.

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