chapter 15 revised

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Britondii Luca pov

The sound of the men's deep voices serving as an alarm clock awakened me from my slumber. Before I opened my eyes, i almost did not remember where I was and why Sebastian's voice sounded so very close to me. I almost felt his hot breath on my skin.

My brain finally registered the words been spoken. Sebastian was being asked to leave and he had been adamantly refusing. My eyes fluttered slowly open and I realised I was laying on the bed in a posh hospital room, Sebastian sitting close to me on the couch and a black doctor who looked about middle aged standing near to him.

"Mr. Monteiro, please" the doctor's voice sounded tired and slightly desperate.

But again, the arrogant man defied him.

"Sebastian's please"I spoke, my voice hoarse and almost as desperate as the doctor's. He turned his head to face me, staring into my eyes, he shook his head. "No"

I closed my eyes, becoming frustrated as the pace of the throb in my head moved faster. Why was this damn beast so pig headed? Almost bipolar.

Today at the office he behaved with me as if I was nothing, then he took me to his home and he was the sweetest thing. Now his demeanor was that of a jealous possessive lover.

Why could he not leave and allow the doctor to get on with his work? After all he was the one who caused me to end up here.

Yes you say it sister. It is all his fault. My subconscious huffed then froze as if she were doing the mannequin challenge.

I immediately wished my best friends were in this hospital room with me instead of Sebastian. I noticed my bag was seated comfortably in his lap.

"Please pass my bag. I need to call Lucas"

What happened after my words were unexpected, my eyes filled with tears and even the doctor could not contain his shock. From Sebastian's throat escaped a beastly loud growl comparable to the king of the jungle's.

"Who the fuck is Lucas? He is one of your men. Isn't he Miss Luca? " when I could only look on in shock at his behavior. He continued, his voice darker, more arrogantly. "Can not one bloody woman prove to me you are all not whores?"

"Sebastian" my voice was a choked sob. "Stop"

No Britondii, you stop. The fucking man just insulted you and you are behaving as if you have no sense. "Sebastian stop" shut the fuck up, fool.

"I dare you to call my damn name again Miss Luca"a cold murderous look darkening his green eyes.

For the first time since Sebastian's behavior the doctor stepped his foot down and spoke his voice firm, unwavering.

"Mr. Monteiro if you are not gone from this room in 3 seconds. I will call security" he removed his phone from his pocket.

"You can fuck this damn doctor too" he threw the purse at me the sound as it connected with my body hard, audible. He then kicked the wall and left the room.

As he exited, the tears that had gathered in my eyes broke free. Before the doctor, shamelessly, the dam broke and miserably I sobbed.

I cried because the man I had fallen for, continued to hurt me.

Tears flowed because I wished with all my heart soul and mind I had fallen for somebody else. Like, Travane.

"Oh Miss Luca, please do not cry. It will only encourage the headache. "The doctor spoke, his voice soothing. Fatherly. He handed me a piece of napkin and I dabbed at my eyes the water works however continued.

I apologized for Sebastian's disrespectful behavior.

He nodded his head and smiled then he began his work.


I was assessed the doctor left the room left the room and almost immediately after a nurse came.

I called my friends and they promised they would be at the hospital ASAP.


"If there is anything you need miss Britondii, just press this button and I will be here before you can say Nurse Bruce" the elderly nurse left the room as my friends entered.

"Bitch you scared the fuck out of me. Don't do that again. " Lucas tried to scold me but his voice was soft,concerned as he hugged me and kissed me on the lips.

John embraced me next. "What he said" he laughed softly and kissed my forehead.

I smiled as my friends sat on either side of the bed, Lucas really fussing over me.

I was certain he would probably faint when I recounted the events of the day.

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Love you.

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