chapter 42

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

I felt the warm tears escape my eyelids and cascade down my cheeks as I stared almost trance like at the small stick in my hands, unable to comprehend the results. The tiny bright red plus sign proudly glared right back at me as if making mockery of the situation.

"Oh God" the words came out of my mouth as a choked sob as I sank to the floor on my knees and wept in my hands.

I could not be pregnant. Sebastian and I had gotten engaged for less than a month.

You have been having unprotected sex since day one. Neither of you.are children. You must have expected to have become fertilized sooner rather than later. What the hell did you expect? The sperm to miraculously miss the egg simply because the ring has only been on your finger a few short weeks? My subconscious scolded crossing her arms over her chest much like a child would after being denied a request.

I shook my head, attempting to rid myself of the cold yet truthful thought and rubbed my hands over my wet, tear streaked face.

"It is not so" I stubbornly mumbled to myself. I could not be pregnant. The tests were lying.

So both tests had been inaccurate? I don't think so.

With blurred vision, I stared at the white tiled bathroom floor where the previous test I had taken minutes prior to the second laid, the blue double lines bright,indicating a positive result. My heart thumping madly and my hands shaking ,I reached out and retrieved it,begrudgingly.

How would Sebastian take the news ? We had never even remotely discussed children.

I closed my weeping eyes and sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, allowing my mind to wander to a few mornings ago when I realised I had missed my period.

The morning started like ant other since Sebastian and I got engaged.

After Sebastian and I had our breakfast, I walked Barefooted with him to the front door as he left for work. I padded back to our bedroom, as I approached the door the loud swift chime of my phone sounded signalling a new notification. I walked briskly,almost jogging inside and grabbed the device from it's place on the side table.

My eyes scanned the notification from the Bunny's calendar reminding me today was the start of my period. I hurriedly rushed to the bathroom to shower and do the necessary. However when I removed all my clothes,I had almost fainted when I saw no signs of my monthly.

After visiting,almost hibernating in the bathroom through out the day, I faced the frightening reality that it would not come.

Maybe for most women,it would have been too soon for paranoia but for me it wasn't. My period had been never,ever late.

With shaking legs and a face wet and stained from tears. I finally left the bathroom.

My hands trembling, my phone literally rattled on my palm as I dialled Lucas' number. While waiting for his voice to come over the line , I used my free hand to wipe the warm liquid that seeped from my eyes.

"Brii have you finished? " my best friends voice came over the phones speakers. His words were few but I knew what he was asking. He was asking about the tests. He knew about them. We had gone to make the purchase together earlier today. He was even the one who suggested I buy two rather than just one. Because two tests are better than one.

"Lie" I managed,cutting him off but I broke down before I could say anything else.

"Oh Brii don't cry" he consoled,almost humming. " talk to me"

"Lue I'm pregnant" I sobbed "both tests gave a positive result."

"Stop crying babe. Children are a blessing."

"Yea but what will I tell Sebastian?"

"Oh Brii even the blind sees how much that man loves you . He will be happy." Lucas replied his voice soft but confident.

"Lue I don't know. What if he thinks I did it on purpose. Because of his money?" I choked out. What would I do then. I would die.

"Oh Brii. don't speak like that. Sebastian will never speak so lowly of you."

I smiled through my distress. It was good that there was no longer any animosity between my fiance and my friends. After all Lucas had helped to organize my engagement dinner after Sebastian turned up on his doorsteps requesting him as no one knew me better than Lucas.

I had no doubts Sebastian loved me but a child was a big step. Was he ready to become a father? Was love a good enough reason for him to accept this pregnancy now? When his business was at it's heights?

After we ended our call,I placed in the phone on the bed beside me and wept.

When Sebastian returned home that evening, I was sad, depressed and cried out. I still did not know how to tell him.

"Hello my love" he greeted and walked over to kiss me but I brushed him off and mumbled a "hey".

"Baby are you ok" he asked concern obvious in his tone."

"Im sorry" I answered in a small almost inaudible voice. voice.

"Baby talk to me. What happened?" He said softly as he sat on the bed and lifted me onto his lap.

"Im pregnant." I blurted then hid my face in the crook of his neck and soaked his shirt with my tears when he didn't say anything for the longest while.

After some time he whispered thickly in my ears. "Thank you"

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