chapter 24-- revised

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Dedicated to greenxy

Hello dawlinzz,

Britondii Luca pov

"Okay Sebastian" I whimpered into an exhausted, beaten quietude and took a bantam, dimunitive and heedful step forward but it was as though I had taken a hefty one back because my foot slipped and in that instantaneous snippet of a microsecond, I envisaged cascading down to my demise.

I screamed the man's name into an endless, high pitched horrified shriek. "Sebastian!"

In a breakneck locomotion, stalwart brawny arms engirdled my legs, blanketing them, breaking my would be fatal fall.

It had all happened in such expeditiousness, a flash for a brief moment I were ceded to giddiness.

The man's voice like a streaming fountain of warm honey, he murmured as he lifted me down, his warm breath tickling my skin, erecting the perfidious strands of hair onto the nape of my neck-- and other parts of my body. "Hush Miss Luca, it is alright now. You are safe."

"Is she really, bitch!" My subconscious screamed, eye water of utmost resentment and hatred curtaining down her face.

I could helplessly feel my entire being, like the Judas it were reacting to the engulfment of my body against his concrete -- hard, ripped, au courant clad frame.

Shaking my head in an attempt to quell the madness, the pestiferous furor of thoughts, I raised my palms against the strong, steel-- like wall of his chest and gave him a debilitated shove and in an unforeseen biddability his hold around my waist slackened until it eventually fell. "Miss Luca I --" he began.

I bit my lip and used my fingers to clean the warm salted liquid that were absconding, breaking out of their vessels in bucketfuls. My voice soft and hoarse, I whimpered a weak, piteous adjuration, plea. "Sebastian don't -- please. Just please take me home."

His bottomless, satin-- like growl became even more subdued, softer, now it were merely a quiet, velutinous compunctious whisper which were in great variance, contrast to the one he had used not too long ago. "Okay."

In the meantime as we entered the sleek black Sports Utility Vehicle and closed the doors, Sebastian murmured countless apologies and I only cried, wishing for the millionth and tenth time that everything had happened differently.

The man's spring time gaze aspersed, washed over me-- taking in every detail of my battered features. He finally turned away his head and dolefully shook it. "I am so sorry baby. God knows if I could recreate the last hour I would and turn it into the best hour of your life."
He shook his head once more emitting deep low curses.

It is too late for that bitch!

I endeavored to convince my self I were not affected by his utterance, how unfeigned and pure he sounded as though he were a man who could do no wrong. It failed.

Even so, as the wounds onto my face pained and pulsated, I did not feel even a single morsel of abhorrence, hatred towards him. No, just the same I loved him as I had before.

"I am sorry baby." Sebastian said quietly as he reversed into the parking lot of my apartment.

When I eggressed the vehicle, Sebastian spoke again. "I love you Miss Luca -- so damn much.

As he drove away, with a never ending supply of eye water still bestrewing my face, my awashed regard, gaze followed the car until it was long gone from my sight and I mutedly mouthed a silent response.

"I love you Mr. Monteiro-- so damn much."

Sebastian Monteiro pov

Without sound, I glared at the wall before me, viewing nothing yet at the same time I saw everything. The maddening thoughts into my head commencing to create havoc, shoving me closer and closer to the borderlines, the God damn brink of dementia.

The full, untouched glass of Bourbon hellaciously trembled like a volcanic eruption into my hands, a taunt, mocking and tormenting me. In one gulp, I swallowed the liquor, not even recoiling one time at the ferocity of the burn as it connected with my throat. After all this was perhaps the third or fourth drink--  mayhap even the fifth. I had lost count.

In my inebriation, drunkenness the now vacuous, empty glass fell monstrously from my feeble hand hold.

I staggered until I were erected --barely-- in front of the wall. Even in my bottomless state of intoxication, the ugly, revolting images of my horrendous, ghastly treatment to Miss Luca replayed themselves into the eyes of my mind. It were as nauseating as fuck, rendering me insane.

Had I, in truth bodily vituperated Miss Luca -- the woman I loved -- with my own two hands?

I had lost my mind. I could not properly conceive any more. For the second time -- maybe   even the hundredth that night I "shape shifted" into an animal.

I bellowed a thunderous blast that appeared to have convulsed, shaken the entireness of the astronomical penthouse. "You fucking coward!" And I mauled my fists into the hard marble wall and numerous ones ensued.

The weight of my body suddenly overwhelmed me and I collapsed into a severe heap onto  the carpeted floor. I began to black out-- black out from the pain-- the mental and physical affliction.

Tempting The Billionaire Book1✔(Slowly Revising)Where stories live. Discover now