chapter 23--revised

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Hello loves,

Britondii Luca pov

Insanely, my body shivered and it was not only the effect of the chilled night air that crept through the half opened plain glass window and connected with with my skin but also the words Sebastian had uttered. "I love you." Foolishly the words repeated themselves into my mind as if they were the best sounds I had ever in my life listened to.

I love you.

Perhaps at another time, they would have been however tonight, they scared me so damn much as if they were the monsters beneath my bed waiting to attack me, the sincerity in his utterance further frightened me.

Was this the way he proved his love to a woman?

Physically hurting her until her entire body had been rendered benumbed from the pain?

Then again it was no secret, Sebastian Monteiro was an excellent fabulist, a master manipulator. I had witnessed it myself whenever I attended with him business meeting. He would create lies to get his way. And always, he succeeded. Was that what he was doing now? Gaming with my mind? Telling me what, I was certain he knew what was what I wanted to hear?  Then I would allow him to enter the room--so he could what? Abuse me until I  disremembered my own name?

I chuckled humorlessly and winced as I bit my bruised lip and enough tears to fill a drum load leaked from my eyes.

I would be a fool if I perceived Sebastian's words to be more than damn fibs. Sebastian did not love me. I was not Eben certain he loved himself--the ruthless sense in which he drank and carried on.

The man was an animal--one whom dearly and truthfully I loved. Now though, now I detested and feared him more than I ever loved him.


After some time, Sebastian returned to the door and resumed the heavy pounding and this time when he spoke, I did not miss the slight slur of his speech.

Had he left to drink?

"Miss Luca, if you fail to open this door in ten mother fucking seconds, I will tear it down."

I screamed. "Sebastian stop!  What have I ever done to you that you desire to so much hurt me." My voice fell to a low whisper. "Tell me Sebastian why do you want to see me hurt and in pain? Is that the price I pay for loving you?" I began to once more scream. "Tell me Sebastian! Tell me you fucking coward! "

He did not respond and I fell to my knees and I cried. I wailed. I bawled --until there were no tears left to shed.

The beating of the door intensified, became worse and Sebastian's voice was no less than enraged and I knew if he ever came into the room -- he would perhaps be angry enough to seriously hurt me, or kill me.

The tears stopped falling, my body halted its shuddering and I just felt--nothing. My feelings, my body my mind and my--love had suddenly become numb.

Eventually the man would be able to enter the room, it was his house, he had for every room a key. So, I had to do something, I could not die ,not yet at least. I would not allow Sebastian to kill me--not the man I loved. I would rather to do it myself.

Sebastian Monteiro pov

"Miss Luca" I angrily yelled when I entered the room. It appeared empty. It was empty. I rushed into the bathroom-- it too was free of the woman.

Where the fuck was she?

"Miss Luca" a beastly growl tore from my throat. "Where the fuck are you woman?" Unconsciously, I ambulated to the glass door that led out to the balcony and God knows my heart stopped and I nearly collapsed when I saw the damn mad woman standing on to the high column. Did she not have any bloody sense?

Did you not beat them out of her a while ago?

I sprinted out to her and my heart failed to stop pounding so damn insanely. I had never been so frightened, so scared.

Had she not known if ever fell, she would not live? "Miss Luca please" I held out my hand calling out to her, begging. "Get down! "

She screamed and I stepped cautiously forward ,not wanting to further aggravate her. "Tell me Sebastian why should I get down? Why should I not just kill myself before you do it for me?"

I felt the warm tears cascade down my face. Did she really not know why?

"I am sorry baby. I lo--"

She interjected, threatening. "I swear Sebastian Monteiro if you ever utter those words, I will jump."

I fell to my knees, my hands raised as I pleaded,tears from my eyes pouring as water fountains.

God knows I was very afraid.

"Baby please, get down and I will take you home. "

Her voice was so damn sorrowful. "Promise me Sebastian."

"I promise baby"

And then she released a blood curdling scream. "Sebastian!"

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I love you.

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