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13. The Five Things

Zai's POV

My husband left even before I woke up. I should get used to it. He has been like this after our honeymoon week and that was four months ago. I inhaled deeply and rise up from my bed. I made wudu and prayed Sunnat for fajr prayer, two raka'ahs and another two for the fardh prayer. After doing dhikr and reading the Qur'an. I was still seated on my prayer mat and recalled everything that had happened.
I was not able to meet ZJ at the airport because I overslept. I simply left her a message on her faceboook which until now she still has not replied. Maybe Allah willed me not to be able to meet her that day. For what reason, I do not know.

My eyes closed as I recalled Amir's sweet melodious voice when he recited Surah Ar- Rahman to me as his dowry gift. It was on a Friday night, after Isha. His parents and siblings were around. My family including Kah Ridzmar was there. A video was taken that night. A video I have saved on my phone when I miss him.

Then the wedding, the simplest wedding held on the Masjid, attended only by selected family and friends. The wedding reception occurred the next day, at a hotel where many visitors ate, gave us gifts and expressed their congratulations and best wishes.

We had our honeymoon in the beautiful city of Cairo, Egypt. We visited sights and bought souvenirs. I remembered him spoiling me with all the Islamic books I wanted. We consummated our marriage on the third night there. And the memory of him holding me, claiming me, pleasuring me is so clear that every part of my body aches to touch him again, to be loved by him again.

What changed him? I have no idea. Wallahi, I cannot understand him. I cannot understand the sudden coldness of my husband. And the most difficult thing is that I do not have anyone to confide into. As much as I want to tell it all to Cherry, I don't think it will help. Telling Allah is all I need. I can get through this. I can get through this.

The house he bought for us was two - storey. Six rooms on the second floor while the masters bedroom, our bedroom is here on the first floor. There was a large kitchen, two living rooms, two office rooms (his and mine), one library and we even have a prayer room in which he wanted to lead the prayer for me and our future children. We have an empty vacant room which he wants to be a playing viewing room for our family. He wanted to have five children he used to say. But how can we have any children when he won't even look at me. I finally stood up from my prayer mat and got ready for the day. My printing business was booming and it's the only thing inspiring me these days.

After having breakfast and taking my bath, I drove my pink cooper and attended my business dealings for the day. I am to meet three clients for their wedding anniversary celebration. Seeing happy married couple might just make me envious and would hurt me more. I wonder why this is happening to me. Why marrying Amir ... makes me regret... that I ever said yes.

Amir's POV

Aunty Neri, our chief maid called to confirm that my wife has left. I asked her if she took her breakfast and I was told that she did. I asked her if her dress was not tight. And Aunty Neri told me that she wore the lavender abaya I bought her and matched it up with a black veil. I was satisfied and ended the call.

It was always like this. For four months, I would only ask my people about her. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, to touch her nor to have long conversations with her. I don't want my heart to love her that much. Not after all her lies.

"Sir, the investors are here," my secretary said through the telephone.

I stood up, got my folder and made my way to the conference room. My Seafoods Best has been adding branches one after the other. Now I would be establishing my 12th branch on the northern side of the country.
Upon entering the room, I was greeted by four gentlemen and one lady, we talked and conversed formally. The meeting was concluded with the contract signing. And Alhamdulillah, I got it all done well.

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