chapter 55

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[Megan's POV]

The last thing I remember was me holding onto to 10k after my little episode of zombie rage and then I blacked out again. Next thing I know I wake up lying on a bed, I sit up and look around and i'm in the room all alone. The door opens and 10k notices i'm awake and comes over to me sitting on the side of the bed putting his hand on my forehead.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"Fine? What happened where are we?" I asked.

"You passed out... so we found the nearest house for we could stop and rest for a while," he told me.

I moved his hand off my head and brushed all my hair back out of my face with my hands.

"Where's Warren is she pissed about us stopping," I said trying to change the subject.

"I dont know where she is, her, Gavin, and Murphy went to check out some of the other houses," he said.

"Did they take the truck?" I said concerned.

"Ya?" he answered.

"10k... Since when does Murphy volunteer for anything? She's leaving without us!" I said standing up from the bed.

10k got up and followed after me into the living room where the rest of the group was lounging around. They all seemed so calm and relaxed I didn't understand.

"Megan wait," 10k yelled behind me.

I stopped and turned around to face him and he grabbed both my hands and looked me in the eyes. Is there something they're not telling me?

"What?" I asked.

"They left to go the rest of the way on their own, they've been gone for hours now," he told me.

"Why haven't we gone after them lets go," I said about to walk off.

10k grabbed my hand again and stopped me, "we haven't gone after them because we dont want to. Where done taking orders from Warren and now Gavin is gone and he can't bother us anymore!"

I stopped and just stood there. I couldn't tell if I was pissed, sad, or happy that they where gone. Warren was always a pain in the ass but she always pulled through for the group. Murphy of course is a dick but he was what brought this group together. Gavin... The crazy ex boyfriend/best friend. I have to admit it makes me sad knowing I'll never see him again but he's just to dangerous to have around, I'll live off the good memories of me and him before this mess.

"Megan?" 10k said breaking me from my thoughts.

I blinked a couple times and shook my head and looked up at our little group. Addy, Doc, 10k, Dean, Red, Preston, and little old me. The drama was gone and I felt more relaxed, like a wall of defense had broken down knowing it was ok to breath.

"Ok, so what's our plan," I asked with a small small.

"First we make sure your ok, then we'll get a plan," Dean said pointing a finger at me.

"Me and Preston are going to go check out a few close houses for any supplies," Red said walking past.

"Ok don't be gone to long it'll be dark soon," Addy told them.

they left shutting the door behind them as they went. 10k motioned me to follow him into the kitchen and I followed loosely behind him.

"Let's go over inventory really quick," he said.

"Ok," I said looking down at the table of all our stuff.

"how are you on arrows?" he asked me.

I found my quiver and frowned upon the 7 arrows I had left. at least if I ran out I would still have my machete and a couple little throwing knifes. to bad I lost that revolver piece I found in the bar a long time ago.

"not great what about you?" I asked.

He grabbed his sniper and pulled the clip out, "5 bullets, 6 gears for my slingshot," he shrugged.

"Ok, so ammunition is on the list, how are we on food?" I asked.

"pretty good actually there's-" he stopped.

he scrunched his eye brows as he started rummaging through a couple different bags and looking around.

"what is it?" I asked.

"we had a good weeks worth supply in here now there's only maybe 2 days? I swore it was all right here when-... no!" he slammed his hands down on the counter.

I flinched at the loud noise but soon stepped closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"what happened?" I asked him.

"Warren and them stole our supply..." he mumbled.

I froze for a moment why waves of anger flowed over me but I gained control knowing what happened last time I got mad or wanted to kill something... or someone.

"It's to late to track them down, well just have to make do," I said softly to him.

I laid my head on his shoulder making him relax a tad until he gave in and lazily wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"come here you got to see this," he said out of nowhere.

I raised an eyebrow and I grabbed my machete and followed him out the back door. my jaw dropped when I seen where we were. 10k smiled and grabbed my hand walking closer. I couldn't piece together why the house had been so nice inside and it's choice of decor but it all made sense now.

the moment was perfect and there was no zombies around and we sat down on the warm sand and stared out at the big ocean. the beach house we had picked was directly on the beach. the sun was setting and the sky was full of different pinks and oranges. everything was calm at this moment.

"This is beautiful," I said in awe.

"I thought you might like it," 10k chuckled.

he wrapped and arm around me and I leaned into his side as we sat on the beach and stared out to sea. I never wanted this moment to end, it felt so normal... so human.

hey guys hope you enjoyed let me know what you think I'm the comments!
>>>don't be a silent reader!<<<

Trust Issues: A 10k fanfic  [COMPLETED] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin