Chapter Nine

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His canines leave my frail neck and I clutch to it with my left hand. I feel my blood or what remains of my blood on the place he marked me and then licked close.

I look into his eyes, in so much shock that my body refuses to move, refuses to react. His eyes finally turn from their gold back to light brown. He licks his lips and stares at me, his expression unreadable.

My mate marked me. My mate marked me without my consent! Now I can't leave him. Now I just can't leave him!

"Emiliano!" I hear Emile's mother, Camila's raspy voice and then before I know it, she drags Emile away from me and towards her, to look at her. I just stare at them, lifeless "Why did you mark her?" She shouts. I have never heard her shout before and honestly, it is scary.

"I...." Emile begins but then stops, probably unsure what to say.

"Emiliano, you know the tradition!" Camila says with a strange tone.

"No! No." Emile feels his hands through his hazel coloured hair as he says in a voice that sounds defeated "No way mother!"

"Yes Emiliano!" His mother shouts "Yes! You marked her. Now you have to go through with the tradition."

"But I'm the alpha!" He insists.

"Alpha or not! This pack has traditions! If you do not fulfill it, you will have to forfeit your position as Alpha." He just rubs his hands through his hair in a way that signifies he believes he just made a mistake and regrets marking me. Then in an instant, he just grabs me carelessly and pushes me out of the way then he storms out through the door.

His act of pushing me aside breaks me from my shock and I hear myself say "what is going on?" to no one in particular.

Camila just looks at me in a guilty way. Rage evident in her eyes.

"What is going on?" I force myself to say again, my voice lacking conviction.

"My son marked you." She begins.

"I know that but what about it?" I say realising that I am still holding on to my mark. I let my hand drop.

"According to the traditions of this pack." She says as her voice becomes raspy again "once a wolf is marked by their mate, their mate has to marry them. The two wolves have to marry." I feel my heart literally sink into my chest "If the wolf does not agree to marry his or her marked mate, he faces exile."

"What?" This cannot be happening to me "First he forces a mark on me. A mark signifying the fact that he now possesses me!" I say raising my voice higher than I intend to "And now, you want to force a marriage on me?" I mould my hands into fists, feeling the urge to punch a wall.

"It is tradition. You don't mark your mate and leave them alone. That could kill the marked mate." Camila is right. Once marked, staying away from your mate for a long time causes you to die. I don't understand why but that's what happens.

"Well he shouldn't be so upset then! He shouldn't have marked me to begin with! And now he's upset." I scoff.

"That's not why he's upset Lorena." Camila simply says.

"Then why is he upset?" I ask confused. What other reason is there to be upset? We hate each other and now his stupid irrationality is going to tie our lives together through a stupid legal marriage. I'm not going to agree to this. No I am not! No one is marrying me without my consent!

"He's not upset because he's marrying you. He's upset because of the way he has to marry you." I look around confused. My eyes scan the room and everyone just wears different fearful expressions on their faces except Matthew who has a smirk on his face. What the heck is so funny? "Lorena, Emiliano is an Alpha."

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